Sunday, September 18, 2011

WCW Thunder (August 3, 2006)

August 3, 2006
St. Louis, MO
The pyro explodes as the Nitro Girls are in the ring doing their routines.  The sounds of AC/DC and "Thunderstruck" fill the arena as the sold-out crowd roars their approval.  WCW Thunder is on the air.
We go to Scott Hudson and Brian Adams at ringside.  Tonight, in the main event, it's Jeff Jarrett versus The Giant - and the winner goes to Road Wild in three days to face WCW World Champion Sean O'Haire.  Disco Inferno debuts his new interview segment, "Studio 54", plus so much more. 
Music hits as The Heart Throbs come to the ring.  They're not scheduled for a match, so Hudson wonders why they're here.  Antonio gets on the mic.  He wants to be serious.  Last Monday on Nitro, he managed to defeat five other WCW Superstars, including his partner Romeo, to win an elimination match.  In three days, he's facing the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera.  He's heard the chuckles backstage.  No one thinks that he has a chance against Juvi.  Well, he's out to prove the doubters wrong.  On Sunday night, Antonio WILL become the Cruiserweight Champion.  And then the whole world will know that not only are The Heart Throbs the greatest tag team in WCW, but Antonio is a helluva wrestler in his own right as well.  Romeo gets the mic.  He admits he was mad after losing the match on Monday night, but he wants Antonio and everyone else to know that if he's not the one wrestling Juvi, he's glad it's Antonio - and he's got his back.  The Heart Throbs hug. 
Here comes Juvi out on the rampway.  He doesn't mean to break up the romance between Antonio and Romeo, but he has something to say.  Some people might laugh at Antonio challenging for the title, but Juvi doesn't.  Juvi knows he's in for a fight.  But at Road Wild, Juvi says "The Juice" will run wild on Antonio - and lay the smack down.  Antonio starts to say something, but Romeo steps in.  Juvi will get beat at the PPV when Antonio kicks his ass!  But why wait until Sunday?  Romeo wants to kick Juvi's ass now.  So how about Juvi versus Romeo - tonight!  Juvi just laughs and and says that "The Juice" runs from no man - and it's on - later tonight.   Antonio and Romeo posture in the ring as Juvi walks to the back.
We see a video promo for WCW ROAD WILD - this Sunday, August 6th, on PPV!
We go to Gary Michael Cappetta for the first match on WCW Thunder.,,
ETHAN STORM & VAMPIRO w/ Jimmy "The Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant versus EVAN KARAGIAS & "PRIMETIME" ELIX SKIPPER
We hear Adams & Hudson talk about how Valiant has abandoned his former proteges to allign himself with Storm and Vampiro.  Hudson plugs Valiant's NYC Street Fight with Karagias coming up at the PPV as Karagias and Skipper dominate on Storm in the ring with quick tags and lots of working on the arm.  Storm finally rips at the eyes of Skipper and tags off to Vampiro who levels Skipper with clotheslines and shoulders.  Chops by Vampiro and a neckbreaker.  He goes up top, but jumps right into the boot of Skipper.  Skipper with elbows and the tag to Karagias who unloads with fists and kicks.  Slam to Vampiro. Slam to Storm.  It's all Evan.  Valiant is up on the apron and Karagias nails him with a dropkick that sends the Boogie Man to the floor.  Suicide dive by Karagias and he lays out Valiant.  Storm is there to kick Karagias into the back of the head.  Skipper is there to ward off Storm, but as Evan rolls back into the ring, Vampiro hits him with the "Nail In The Coffin" to pick up the pin.
Winners:  ETHAN STORM & VAMPIRO w/ Jimmy Valiant
We go backstage and WCW TV Champion RICO , along with Daniel Puder, Hugh Morrus & Tank Abbott are headed towards the ring.  Their manager, Soce is right behind them, but Rico stops Soce. They're going to the ring alone!  Rico tells Soce that Soce had better decide who he's loyal to - his wrestlers in the Elementalz or else that punk, Youngblood.  Rico and the rest of the Elementalz walk off as Soce stands there watching.
We come back and Rico is in the ring, along with Tank Abbott, Hugh Morrus & Daniel Puder.  He wants answers!  His manager, Soce the Elemental Wizard, has been hanging out with street trash.  And that looks bad on him and all of the Elementalz!  He's the WCW World TV Champion.  Hugh & Tank are the WCW World Tag Team Champions.  Puder is the "World's Most Dangerous Man".  And their manager, the hip-hop spellcaster would rather lie to them and hide things from them rather than be with champions?  He doesn't get it!  We see the video from Monday night as Soce's brief interlude with Mike Youngblood is revealed on the Nitrotron during the Elementalz 8-Man tag match.  The distraction causes Rico to be pinned.   Here comes Soce.  He's tired of this.  He's the manager and he's the boss!  No one has the right to tell him who he can and can't associate with - not Rico or anyone else.  He lied to them about Youngblood because he didn't want to stir up any more problems.  Rico says that he's wrestling Youngblood at Road Wild.  His title is on the line. And his manager is trying to date the guy he's going to be fighting.!  That's already a lot of problems.  Soce says that the match wouldn't be happening in the first place if Rico hadn't attacked Youngblood with a chair for no reason to begin with.  More words are exchanged and it's getting heated as Rico and Soce air their dirty laundry on national television.  Puder gets between the two men.  He's tired of their bickering.  So far, Soce has always been there for all of them, including Rico. Puder point blank asks Soce if he's there for them.  Soce says, "Yes.. or course!".  Puder sticks up for Soce and says that's it - end of argument!  Soce can do what he wants in his spare time.  No one is fussing about Soce making musical tracks for the Nitro Girls, so why should they care who he hangs around with.  Rico isn't satisfied.  He wants to know if Soce has his back, even against his "boyfriend" Youngblood.  Soce objects that Youngblood isn't his boyfriend, but Rico interupts!  "Do you have my back against Youngblood?"  Soce is quiet for a second and then says "Yes!"  "Then it's settled", Puder says.  "At Road Wild, I'll destroy that has-been, Scott Hall.  Hugh and Tank will wipe the mat with Jannetty and Kanyon.  And Rico will make shor-work of that Youngblood punk and keep his TV title - and Soce will be in all of our corners!"  Hugh & Tank agree and slap Puder and Soce on the back.  Rico is reluctant, but joins in the celebration after a moment.  We see Rico eye Soce as we go to commercial.
We go to Gary Michael Cappetta for the next match.
Another total squash as Brandi attempts to take Luna down with a side headlock.  Luna responds with forearms and elbows and a big slam.  Kicks and stomps by Luna and she locks in an STF-Submission on Brandi.  Brandi quickly taps out!
Luna lets out a piercing scream and chases the referee from the ring.  She has the mic.  At the PPV, Road Wild, she will become the WCW Women's Champion. She will rip Ivory's eyes out!  She will drink her blood!  Another big scream by Luna as music hits.  Here comes the WCW Women's Champion, Ivory, out on the ring apron.  Ivory says that Luna has been really impressive as of late.  The crazy, psycho looks fits her well.  But Luna needs to know one thing.  She can be as crazy as she wants, but Ivory has been there and done that!  Ivory won the title because she can wrestle!  And she'll keep the title because she's a wrestler and not just another "skank with a permanent case of PMS!"  Luna starts to leave the ring, but Ivory stops her.  They're not doing it now!  They'll do it at the PPV - at WCW Road Wild - where Ivory plans to show all the bikers and everyone watching what being a real psycho bitch is all about!
We come back and see wrestlers already in the ring as Tommy Rich, Doug Gilbert, Timber the Lumberjack and Stro' are all waiting for their opponents in the next match.  We go to Gary Michael Cappetta.
Adams talks about how Sean O'Haire and Tully Blancard spoke to WCW Owner Eric Bischoff and had this match signed to allow the old and new Horsemen a chance to work together and build unity.  It's a total squash as The Horsemen work well together and just run over the other team.  The match ends as Luger locks Doug Gilbert into the "Torture Rack" and he's forced to submit.
Winners:  HAAS, ANDERSON, LUGER & WINDHAM w/ Dawn Marie & Woman - THE HORSEMEN
After the match ends, Tully and O'Haire come to the ring and join their team mates as all eight raise the 4 fingers in the air and celebrate.
Backstage, we see WCW Owner Eric Bischoff in his office.  He's hanging up the phone and not smiling. Nick Hogan walks into the office - "What's up, Dad?"  Eric says that he just got word that Hulk Hogan would be coming to Nitro on Monday night to make a major announcement. Nick suggests that maybe his "former Dad" is going to announce his retirement.  "Who knows?", says Eric.  "But whatever it is, we'll be ready!  Right son?"  "Right!", says Nick.  Eric and Nick embrace in a father-son hug as we go to the ring and Gary Michael Cappetta..
Before the match can start, Adam Copeland and Amy Dumas come out and join Brian Adams & Scott Hudson at ringside.  Copeland makes fun of Hudson's baldness as he talks about his upcoming match at Road Wild with Jeff Hardy.  Hardy is leery of Copeland at ringside and is distracted as Wright attacks at the bell and pounds away at Jeff.  Forearms and slam by Wright and he hits a great dropkick that sends Jeff to the floor.  Copeland and Dumas taunt Hardy as he pulls himself up to the ring apron.  Baseball slide by Wright and Hardy slams hard into the announce table. Wright comes down and pounds away at Jeff before rolling him into the ring for two.  Jeff fights back with elbows and punches and scores with a jawbreaker.  Side slam by Jeff and he's fired up.  Neckbreaker by Jeff and a big slam.  Jeff goes to the top for the swanton, but Adam is up and grabs Jeff by the foot, causing Jeff to tumble to the mat.  The ref spots the interference and calls for the bell, disqualifying Wright.
Winner by DQ:  JEFF HARDY
Copeland and Amy are in the ring and Copeland holds Hardy while Amy talks trash and slaps him across the face.  Copeland kicks at Hardy and instructs Wright to hold him up. Wright complies and picks up Hardy, holding him while Copeland scores with a spear.  Amy raises Wright's and Copeland's arms as Copeland glares at the fallen Hardy.  We see Krazy K come to the ring with a chair and Copeland, Amy & Wright leave the ring as Krazy K checks on his fallen friend.
We go backstage and Terri Runnels is with The Giant and his manager, Joel Gertner.  In just a little while, it'll be Giant versus Jeff Jarrett for a chance to wrestle for the World Championship.  Giant is estatic.  He's 7 feet tall and 500lbs.  Does Jarrett or anyone else actually think they can stand in his way and keep him from the title. Giant vows to crush Jarrett and then, Sunday at Road Wild, he'll go on to become the new WCW Champion.  And there's not a damn thing that Sean O'Haire or anyone else can do about it. 
Scott Steiner walks up.  He calls Giant a giant slug and tells him that Jeff Jarrett is more of a champion and wrestler than any Fe-Fi-Fo-Fumbling Idiot like Giant can ever think about being.  Giant grabs Steiner by the throat.  From behind, here comes Jeff Jarrett with the guitar and he levels The Giant from behind.  Giant goes down.  Jarrett kicks at the Giant as Steiner shoves Gertner away.  WCW officials quickly move in and chase Jarrett away.  Giant is down and holding his head in pain as the officials and Gertner check on him.
We come back and Eric Bischoff is talking to the Giant.  Eric is going to cancel the match between Jarrett and Giant.  The medics say that Giant needs to go to the hospital and have his head looked out.  Giant grabs Eric - the match is on.  Giant is going to destroy Jarrett and go on to Road Wild.  Eric says if Giant wants to wrestle Jarrett, then it's OK.  He's have to sign a release so WCW is not responsible for his safety.  Giant says he'll sign anything Eric wants.  He wants Jeff Jarrett and he wants Eric to make it a "NO DQ" match. Eric is reluctant to agree, but Giant says that he wants it or else he'll go get Jarrett right now and to hell with the match.  Eric says no - that's the main event.  So it's now "NO DQ" and the winner faces O'Haire at Road Wild.  Giant vows to destroy Jarrett and walks off as Gertner follows.  Eric watches and mutters to Eric Hogan, "I'd hate to be Jeff Jarrett right now!"...
We go back to the ring and Gary Michael Cappetta..
Juvi and Romeo lock up and Romeo scores with armdrags and a dropkick.  Juvi ducks under and takes down the leg and drops an elbow.  Back and forth action with neither man able to control the action for long.  Antonio reaches in and trips the leg of Juvi.  Romeo scores with a DDT on the distraction for a two count.  Antonio is in charge and chops away at Juvi.  Juvi fights back and leapfrogs a backdrop attempt.  Facebuster by Juvi.  Dropkick and suplex and Juvi is firmly in control.  He goes to the top, but Antonio distracts the referee and Romeo causes Juvi to stumble and sing soprano.  Romeo is cocky and grabs up Juvi for a suplex.  Juvi tucks under and rolls up Romeo for a snall package.  The referee counts the three and Juvi gets the win.
Antonio climbs into the ring and attempts to go after Juvi, but Juvi rolls out of the ring and escapes to the floor before The Heart Throbs get a chance to get the double-team.  Juvi raises his title in victory as we go to commercial.
We go backstage and Terri Runnels is with Scott Hall, Marty Jannetty and Kanyon.  Hall talks about his match at Road Wild with Daniel Puder.  Puder thinks he's so tough and he's a dangerous man, but Hall says that Puder has never faced anyone like Scott Hall before.  Hall is wrestling's original "Bad Guy" and in his eyes, Puder is a dumb punk.  At Road Wild, Hall promises that Puder will be in for a wrestling lesson.  Jannetty and Kanyon  talk about their match at the PPV. They're going for the World Tag Team titles against Morrus & Abbott.  Jannetty says that people are sick of seeing Hugh and Abbott as the champs and it's time for a change.  And Kanyon says that they're the alternative - the future - the next WCW Tag Team Champions. 
We go back to the ring and Gary Michael Cappetta...
Dupree and Conway immediately take the advantage and pound away at Starr in the corner before tossing him to the corner where Willy tags in.  Willy unloads on Dupree with clotheslines and backdrops.  Sanders is up and takes a swing at Willy to get his attention.  Willy goes after Sanders who drops to the floor and Dupree takes adavantage with a knee to the back.  Dupree with the french tickler and a tag to Rob for the double-team.  Rob with the powerslam and some flexing. Willy tries to fight back, but Conway thumbs him at the eyes and hits the Ego-Trip!  Cover and pin.
Winners:  RENE DUPREE & ROB CONWAY w/ Mike Sanders
Sanders gets the mic as Rob & Rene clear the ring.  At Road Wild, it's the three of them against "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar in a handicap match.  They took the gig as a favor for Eric Bischoff, but they've decided to do it for themselves.  If they are the ones who destroy Brock, they can write their own tickets for the rest of their careers.  Sanders vows that next Sunday will be the last time anyone ever sees Brock Lesnar in WCW.  Sanders, Conway & Rene self-congratulate themselves as we go to commercial. 
As we come back, disco music blares throughout the arena as Disco Inferno is in the ring.  It's time for his new segment, "Studio 54".  Disco says that he knows that everyone is watching Thunder just to see the Disco Inferno dance.  But he's not dancing tonight. He's there to ask the questions that everyone wants to know.  And he has two guests.  His first guest is a very controversial lady.  She just joined WCW as a Nitro girl a few weeks ago, but in her first week out, she caused problems. Let's see the video.  We go to video and see problems between Carmella DeCesare and Joy Giovani during a Nitro Girl routine thi spast Monday,  leading to a catfight.  Later in the back, Eric Bischoff books a "Bra & Panties" match between the ladies for Road Wild.  Disco introduces his first guest, Carmella DeCesare
Carmella comes out and Disco welcomes her to "Studio 54".  DIsco wants to know what the problem between her and Joy Giovanni is?  Carmella says that Joy is a wench.  She couldn't make it up north and won't be here for long either if Carmella has anything to do with it.  Disco still wants to know what the problem is though?  Why can't they just get along and be professional.  We hear a voice from the Nitrotron.  It's Joy!  They can't get along because Carmella is a bitch!  Joy says that Carmella feels threatened because she's not the "Queen Diva" in WCW.  She's a backstabber and liar.  Ever since they were both hired for WCW, Carmella has been calling her and asking for advice and being her "best friend" - and the first time they're on national TV with the Nitro girls, Carmella starts trouble.  It doesn't matter what kind of match they're having, be it bra & panties or just a fight, Joy vows to kick Carmella's ass.  Carmella starts to respond, but Disco cuts her off.  He has another guest.
Disco wants to introduce his other guest, the man who will be challenging Rico for the WCW World TV Title at Road Wild, please welcome Mike Youngblood.  Youngblood comes to the ring and starts to talk about Road Wild and his shot at the WCW TV title.  Disco cuts him off.  No one cares about that match.  Disco wants to ask about one thing.  Youngblood is wrestling Rico.  Rico is managed by Soce the Elemental Wizard.  What's the deal between Youngblood and Soce?  Are they boyfriends?  Youngblood is shocked - he can't believe Disco asked that!  Youngblood nails Disco with a fist and starts going after Disco.  Disco flees to the floor and leaves the ring as Youngblood curses and challenges Disco to come back to the ring.  From behind, here comes Rico, Hugh Morrus & Tank Abbott.  The three men attack Youngblood and start beating and kicking away at him.  Soce is there too, but he's not nearly as enthusiastic as his wrestlers at they administer the beatdown to the young wrestler.  Here comes Marty Jannetty & Kanyon from the back and the Elementalz flee the ring.  We see Jannetty and Kanyon checking on Youngblood as Rico, Hugh & Tank celebrate with their less than jubilant manager....
We go to commercial.. .
We come back and take a look at the incident that just happened between Disco Inferno and Mike Youngblood.  Scott Hudson & Brian Adams run down the matches signed for Road Wild, coming up on Sunday, August 6th.  Adams talks briefly about the imposter Sting and vows to reveal the phoney's true identity at the PPV.  And now it's to Gary Michael Cappetta for the main event.
THE GIANT w/ Joel Gertner versus JEFF JARRETT
The Giant is already bandaged up and injured from the earlier attack and is slow to react as Jarrett attacks at the bell.  Punches and kicks by Jeff as he quickly tries to take the bigger man down.  The Giant just shoves Jeff away.  Jarrett goes to the eyes and then goes outside the ring and grabs a chair.  Gertner tries to grab the chair away from Jeff, but Jarrett clocks the manager with the chair.  Jeff climbs back into the ring and threatens the referee before swinging the chair at the Giant.  Giant blocks the chair shot with his huge arm and just flips out.  He's one pissed off Giant as he grabs Jeff and administers several headbutts.  A huge slam and Jeff gets tossed into the corner like a rag doll.  Big butt splash by The Giant and Jarrett crumbles to the mat.  The Giant picks up Jeff and scores with a huge chokeslam.  Then, instead of covering, The Giant picks up Jeff and administers another big chokeslam.  Cover and pin as the referee counts three.
Winner and NEW # 1 Contender:  THE GIANT
Gertner raises the arm of the Giant as Giant looks at the camera and mimics the WCW World Championship title around his waist.  He mouths "Road Wild - The World Champion" as you hear Hudson thank the fans.  That's it for Thunder.  Look for Road Wild on Sunday!

WCW Thunder (July 27, 2006)

WCW Thunder
July 27, 2006
Daytona Beach, FL
Ocean Center
The sounds of "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC fill the arena and we see the Nitro Girls dancing in the ring as WCW Thunder comes on the air. Scott Hudson and Brian Adams welcome up to the show. Music hits and here comes "Phoenix" Mike Youngblood to the ring. He wants everyone to see what happened to him at the end of Nitro. We see a video replay of the closing moments from Monday night as Mike is attacked backstage by Rico and a steel chair.
Youngblood is hot! He wants Rico out there right now! Here comes Soce the Elemental Wizard to the ring. He’s so sorry about what happened to Mike and wants to apologize. Rico was just looking out for him. Youngblood says that it’s not Soce’s fault, but he doesn’t care. Rico made the first move and Youngblood is going to kick his ass. Soce says that’s not going to happen. Rico already has a match scheduled for tonight - he’s defending the WCW TV Championship against "Prime Time" Elix Skipper and Soce will not allow his champion to be engaged in a senseless brawl. Youngblood grabs Soce by the shirt! He wants Rico out there... right now! Soce tries to talk to Youngblood, but he’s too mad to listen. Here comes Rico from behind and he nails Youngblood with a chairshot from behind. Soce is upset and tries to get Rico to stop as he pounds away at Youngblood with the chair. Finally Rico stops and stands over Youngblood. He gets the mic. If Youngblood wants him, be at Road Wild . And Rico will kick his ass... one more time!
Soce grabs the mic from Rico. "What are you doing? There’s no need to do this! Why did you attack Mike!" Rico just looks at Soce. He tells Soce that "you’re my manager and you’re a great guy, but you need to choose - are you going to be with Tank, Hugh, Puder and myself... or with trash like this?"... pointing to Youngblood. Rico drops the mic and leaves the ring as Soce follows, trying to talk to the TV Champion. Referee Parker Paige is in the ring and helping up Youngblood as we go to commercial.
A video promo airs - coming on August 6, 2006 - it’s WCW Road Wild - exclusively on PPV.
We go to Gary Michael Cappetta for the first match.
It’s total domination by the Horsemen as they’re fired up from the beginning, quickly isolating Cabana from his partner with several double-teams and quick tags. Lodi keeps trying to get in, but Cabana is unable to make a tag and eventually falls victim to the C.W. Anderson spinebuster which leads to the pin.
Winners: HAAS & ANDERSON w/ Dawn Marie
We go backstage and see WCW World Tag Team Champions Hugh Morrus & Tank Abbott talking to Soce. They’re sorry that Rico got a little out of control and took out Youngblood, but he’s right. Soce needs to decide if he wants to manage champions or hang out with punks. Abbott reminds Soce that he manages the World Tag Team Champions and the World TV Champion. Does he really have time to associate with losers? He’s the manager of Champions and needs to act like it or else he could very well end up being replaced. Soce says that he’s his own man and is entitled to do what he wants in his free time. Hugh mentions that what Soce does reflects on all of them and they have to set a standard for the rest of WCW. They’re champions. Soce mutters, "I guess!" Abbott slaps Soce on the back. "That’s the spirit! Don’t stress it, boss! Now, let’s go get ready for our match later." Soce, Abbott & Hugh Morrus walk off as we fade to commercial.
We go back to the ringside and Hudson & Adams talk about the recent events between Jimmy "The Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant and his former protégé, Elix Skipper. We see a video package highlighting the past few weeks and clips of Karagias’s loss to Vampiro last Monday on Nitro. Karagias will be fighting Valiant at the PPV in a NYC Street Fight, but right now, he’s facing one of Valiant’s new disciples in Ethan Storm.
We go to Gary Michael Cappetta for the next match.
EVAN KARAGIAS versus ETHAN STORM w/ Jimmy Valiant
Storm gets the early advantage as Valiant distracts Karagias with taunts and jeers from the outside. Storm pounds away at Evan and works him over in the corner. Karagias fights back and unleashes a series of fists and a dropkick that has Storm reeling, Karagias with the suplex and a clothesline. Evan goes for the pin, but Valiant puts Storm’s foot on the ropes. Evan slides to the floor and goes after Valiant, who quickly backs away. Storm is down and attacks Karagias from the rear and rams him into the ring post. Storm rolls Karagias back into the ring and covers for a two count. Ethan goes up top and is ready for a "Buffbuster" , but Karagias is up and meets him with a dropkick as he leaves the ropes. Fisherman’s Suplex by Evan and he has Storm locked up. Valiant is in and kicks Karagias in the stomach, breaking up the pin attempt. Referee Hage Patel calls for the bell and the DQ.
Valiant and Storm attempt to go after Karagias and do the double-team, but Evan rolls to the floor and escapes before Valiant and Storm can do any damage. The referee raises Evan’s hand in victory as Storm & Valiant challenge Karagias to get back into the ring... which Evan smartly declines.
We go backstage and see Sable talking to Brock Lesnar. Brock is mad about losing to The Giant and Gangrel this past Monday night on Nitro. He wants revenge and he wants to get his hands on Gangrel and the Giant again. Sable rubs his shoulders and tells him not to worry. He’ll get his chance at revenge. She has faith in him.
Strawberry Fields walks up and asks Sable if she’s ready for their match. Sable gives Brock a kiss on the cheek and says she’ll be back after her match. Sable and Strawberry are headed towards the ring.
We go to Gary Michael Cappetta for the next match.
Sable and Strawberry take the early advantage with quick tags and the double-team on Majors, Selina fights back and levels both women with clotheslines and slams. Hemme is tagged in and she unleashes several clotheslines on both Sable and Strawberry. Strawberry rips at the eyes and slams Hemme into the corner. Strawberry tries for a suplex, but Hemme reverses into an inside cradle. Majors stops Sable before she can break it up and referee Brent Robinson makes the three count.
Backstage, Terri Runnels is with WCW World Champion Sean O’Haire, Charlie Haas, C.W. Anderson, Tully Blancard, Dawn Marie & Woman - THE HORSEMEN. She congratulates Anderson and Haas on their earlier victory, but what everyone wants to know is are there problems between the new Horsemen, Haas, Anderson and O’Haire and the old Horsemen, Tully, Lex Luger and Barry Windham?
Tully responds. There are no problems. They’re all on the same page. Tully, Lex, Barry & Woman are working to get rid of that cancer, Jeff Jarrett and his muscle-bound punk sidekick, Scott Steiner. The other guys have their own agendas, but all of the Horsemen are on the same page.
O’Haire wants to clarify something though. He’s a Horseman. So are Anderson, Haas, Dawn, Woman and Tully. But Windham and Luger are NOT Horsemen. They were once, but that was years ago. Tully doesn’t agree and reminds O’Haire that both Lex and Barry were part of the group long before O’Haire even knew how to lace his boots so maybe he needs to reconsider that last statement. O’Haire says that he knows everything that Lex and Barry have accomplished in the past, but that was the past. This is 2006 and these are the NEW Horsemen. If Tully wants to hang out with them, that’s OK, but that doesn’t automatically make them part of the group. Tully mentions that both Luger and Windham are former World Champions and hints that maybe O’Haire is scared of a little competition in the group. Sean says that he’s not scared of anyone, but the Horsemen are about moving ahead. Arn Anderson and Ric Flair made Sean the leader of the Horsemen - he’s the WCW World Champion and what he says goes!
Tully doesn’t like that and reminds O’Haire that he was a founding member of the group and that gives him some say in what goes on and who is in and not in the group. O’Haire reminds Tully that he left the group to go shoot powder up his nose back in the early 90's (shoot) and just because he was lucky enough to ride Anderson’s and Flair’s coattails - that doesn’t mean anything now! He’s tolerated because he’s a legend, but he needs to know his place. Things are getting tense and more words are exchanged.
Woman decides to interject before things get too heated and explode. Tully and Sean need to quit bickering. They’re all Horsemen and need to be united. Woman looks at Sean - Luger and Windham are both former Horsemen and former World Champions - they deserve to be treated with respect. So how about this... later tonight, if Windham & Luger win the WCW Tag Team Titles, will that show O’Haire that they belong with the elite, The Horsemen. Sean admits that "it might!" Woman says, "Fine!" As for Tully, he needs to remember that Flair & Arn picked Sean to lead the Horsemen for a reason. He’s the WCW World Champion and the focus of the group has always been first and foremost to protect that title. This isn’t 1986 anymore and Sean leads the group. Tully mutters something. Woman tells Terri that the Horsemen might bicker, but they’re united when it matters, in the ring. We see Tully and O’Haire kind of glaring at each other as we go to commercial.
We come back and Buff Bagwell is standing in the middle of the ring. He’s not scheduled for a match tonight, but he decided to come out anyhow and show the WCW fans why he’s Buff and he’s the stuff. So he’s going to pose and flex for the crowd.
Music hits and here comes Sean "X-Pac" Waltman out of the back. He just laughs at Buff - he’s still the stuff, or is that just what he stuffs down his pants to impress everyone? Everyone laughs, but Bagwell. He wants to know who the hell Waltman is coming out and interupting his interview time. Waltman slowly walks to the ring and says who he is - he’s X-Pac, he’s the man who’s going to kick Bagwell’s ass.... just because he can. Buff kind of backs off. He’s not looking for a match tonight. Waltman asks if that’s because he’s a scared little bitch or what? Buff & Waltman exchange words and Buff tells Sean that he’s not wrestling, so he may as well go back to the back. Waltman acts as if he’s leaving the ring, and Bagwell attempts to jump him from behind. X-Pac is ready and unloads several fists and punches. Referee Brent Robinson hits the ring and calls for a bell. We have a match.
Buff starts off with punches and kicks, but quickly gets put on the defensive by the kicks of Waltman. Sean with chops and clotheslines. Waltman runs Buff into the corner and attempts a Bronco Buster, but Bagwell gets the leg up and Waltman goes down. Buff is cocky now and poses and flexes for the crowd, all smiles as he moves in for the kill. Waltman with a cradle and handful of tights and referee Robinson counts the three.
We go backstage and see WCW Owner Eric Bischoff coming out of his office. He’s being flanked by his "son" Nick Hogan, as well as Booker T & Sharmell. Booker and Sharmell are trying to convince Eric to give them a WCW Title Shot at the Road Wild PPV against Sean O’Haire. Eric is hesitant since O’Haire has already beaten Booker twice. Booker gets upset and yells that O’Haire cheated in those matches - he just needs one more chance. Here is "The Giant" Paul Wight and Joel Gertner. They think that The Giant deserves the title shot against O’Haire at the PPV. Eric is trying to kiss butt to both men when Nick interjects an opinion. Since there is still one more week to go before Road Wild, why not have Giant versus Booker as the main event on Monday’s Nitro. The winner faces O’Haire at the PPV? Eric likes that idea. Giant smiles at the thought of wrestling Booker, while, understandably, Booker isn’t happy, but says OK.
We come back and Eric is in the ring along with Nick Hogan. Eric repeats the announcement for the match they just made, but guess what? He’s just changed his mind and had a new idea. Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner have both been bugging him about title shots. So here’s what’s going on with Nitro. It’s Jeff Jarrett versus Booker T and The Giant versus Scott Steiner. The two winners will fight at Thunder for the Number One Contenders spot and a match against O’Haire at the PPV. The two losers will team up at the Road Wild PPV with the loser of the Contender’s Match to take on Tully Blancard, Lex Luger & Barry Windham in a six man tag at the PPV. The winner will face Sean O’Haire in a WCW World Title main event at Road Wild.
Brock Lesnar comes out and interrupts. What about him. He’s "The Next Big Thing" and wants a shot at Sean O’Haire and the WCW World Championship. It’s his destiny! Eric tells him that he should have thought about that before he pissed Eric off. Brock grabs Eric by the shirt! He’s ready to beat up Bischoff when music hits. Here comes "Above Average" Mike Sanders, Rob Conway & Rene Dupree. Sanders has the mic and he suggests that Brock let go of Eric before they have to come down and kick his butt. Brock shoves Eric away and tells them to just come on down. La Resistance & Sanders storm the ring and go after Brock. He’s fighting them all off until Nick Hogan slaps his back. Brock turns around and rears back to punch Hogan, but stops himself at the last second. Sanders clips the leg from behind and the three wrestlers are on Brock like a pack of wild animals. They beat down Brock and hold him for Eric Bischoff who slaps Brock across the face and gets the mic. If Brock wants a match at the PPV, he’s got it against La Resistance and Mike Sanders in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match.
We go backstage and see Rico warming up for his match. Soce wants to talk about what happened earlier with Youngblood. Rico tells Soce that he did it for Soce’s own good. He’s their manager and the other guys agree that associating with someone like Youngblood looks bad on all of them. Soce doesn’t want to hear that and repeats his earlier argument that he does what he wants to - he’s a grown man. Rico tells Soce that he needs to decide - stick with living his dream as the Manager of Champions or go lie with the other dogs. Soce says that they’ll talk about this later, but they have a match now. Rico tells Soce that he’s got the match covered. Soce can stay in the back and think about what he’s said. Rico walks off as Soce watches.
We go backstage and Terri Runnels is with Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner. What is their reaction about the match that WCW Owner Eric Bischoff just made? Jeff says that he’s beaten Booker before and he will again. He is "The Chosen One" and it’s his destiny to once again be the WCW World Champion. Steiner says that The Giant is nothing but a big goof and no match for him and his freaks. Steiner will be the next WCW Champion at Road Wild when he beats Sean O’Haire. Jeff and Scott bicker about who will be beating who and Jeff says that we’ll see how it goes on Monday. O’Haire or the Rest Home Horsemen - they will all learn why Jarrett is the chosen one and the man with all the stroke in WCW.
We go to Gary Michael Cappetta for the next match.
RICO (champion) versus "PRIME TIME" ELIX SKIPPER
Rico unleashes kicks on Skipper and goes after the arm. Skipper reverses and slams Rico before unloading clotheslines and slams. Hurracarnana by Skipper for two. More punches by Skipper and he gets another two. Whip into the corner by Skipper, but Rico gets the boot up as Skipper comes charging in. Rico with a roll-up and foot on the ropes as referee Tommy Young counts three.
Winner and still champion: RICO
We go backstage again and Terri Runnels is with Tully Blancard, Barry Windham, "The Total Package" Lex Luger and Woman. She brings up the earlier comments by Sean O’Haire that Luger and Windham are not Horsemen. Barry just laughs and says that Luger and he were the first two men recruited by the Horsemen and have carried those four fingers proudly in the air since before Sean O’Haire was out of his training pants. They’re Horsemen and nothing Sean or anyone else says matters. Luger says that when he and Barry become the WCW World Tag Team Champions later tonight, that’ll show Sean and any other doubters that they’re still two men to be reckoned with. As for the PPV, it doesn’t matter which three men they end up facing. Because like everyone else who gets in their way, The Horsemen will come out on top and that’s a promise.
We go to the announce position at ringside where Adams & Hudson recap the events of the night thus far and rundown the matches signed so far for WCW Road Wild. Hudson brings up Brian’s claim from Monday night that the man who everyone has been thinking is Sting might not be the real Sting. Brian says he’s positive of it and he’s pretty sure now that he knows who it really is. But he’s giving the imposter Sting until the PPV to come clean and reveal himself or else BA will be calling him out at the PPV. As those words leave Brian’s mouth, the lights in the arena flash on and off several times and thousands of flyers drop down from the ceiling. Adams & Hudson read the flyer on the air - it has a picture of a scorpion on it and just says "Yes!". Adams & Hudson speculate that this means that the man who’s been posing at Sting will meet Adams at the PPV.
We go backstage and see Soce with Hugh Morrus and Tank Abbott. He wants to know if they’re mad at him too and want him to stay backstage. Morrus tells Soce that he’s their manager and his place is at ringside. Rico is just trying to make a point, but they’re with him all the way. Hugh, Tank and Soce are headed towards the ring.
We go to Gary Michael Cappetta for the next match, the main event.
TANK ABBOTT & HUGH MORRUS w/ soce the elemental wizard versus "THE TOTAL PACKAGE" LEX LUGER & BARRY WINDHAM w/ Woman
Soce accompanies the champions to the ring while Woman is with the challengers. Morrus locks up with Luger to start and we see several tests of strength as both men attempt to establish their dominance. Morrus with forearm shots and a slam. Lex is up and responds with clotheslines. Slam by Lex and Barry is tagged in. Windham with clotheslines and slams and a big dropkick that sends Morrus back into his corner. The crowd reacts as Dawn Marie comes down to ringside to join Woman in cheering on Lex & Windham. Abbott tags in and exchanges fists with Windham. Takedown by Abbott and a big suplex. Abbott attempts another, but Windham blocks and counters with his own suplex. Barry goes for the bulldog and gets two as Soce places Abbott’s foot on the ropes. The referee admonishes Soce as Windham starts to pound away again at Abbott. Tank with a knee to the guts and tag to Morrus. Hugh with a big slam and to the top for "No Laughing Matter". We see Dawn Marie up on the apron and she grabs the foot of Hugh, sending him crashing to the mat. The referee sees this too and calls for the bell.
Winners by DQ & still champions: HUGH MORRUS & TANK ABBOTT w/ soce the elemental wizard..
As Soce raises the arms of Hugh & Tank, we see Woman confronting Dawn Marie. What the hell was she doing ? She just caused Barry and Lex to be DQ’ed for no reason. Woman and Dawn are exchanging heated words and bickering as the show ends and we fade to black.

WCW Monday Nitro (July 24, 2006)

WCW Monday Nitro
July 24, 2006
Bayfront Center
St. Petersburg, FL
Lots of pyro and explosions as the show opens up.  Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko and Brian Adams are at ringside and welcome us to the show.  Tonight, in the main event, it's a handicap match with Brock Lesnar  taking on The Giant & Gangrel. If Brock loses, he never gets another shot at the World Championship.   Plus Adam Copeland makes his WCW Wrestling debut as he takes on "Krazy K" Kirby Mack. 
Music hits and here comes WCW Owner Eric Bischoff and his mini-me version, Nick Hogan to the ring.  Eric and Nick are both all smiles as they get the mic.  Eric has two big announcements to make.  First of all, Road Wild is coming up in less than two weeks and so far, only two matches have been signed - Adam Copeland w/ Amy taking on Jeff Hardy and in a New York City Street Fight, Evan Karagias takes on his former manager, Jimmy "The Boy from NYC" Valiant.  Eric now has a few more matches to announce.  Ivory will be defending the WCW Women's Championship at the PPV against the challenge of a woman who has been on a tear as of late, the always dangerous Luna Vachon.  And Juventud Guerrera will be defending the Cruiserweight Championship as well.. against the winner of a Cruiserweight Six Pack Challenge that will take place next week here on Nitro. 
And now, for Eric's next announcement,  As most fans are aware, he and his "son" Nick Hogan have spent the past few weeks interviewing young women for a chance to become the new WCW "Nitro Girls"..  Well, although most of the young women have remarkable talent, they just weren't up to the standards that WCW and Eric expects.  So Eric decided to bring back the originals - the ladies who made the concept work in the first place.  Eric introduces the new leader/head Nitro girl - Melissa Belin, aka "Spice".. 
Spice comes to the ring.  She wants to introduce the "NEW" WCW Monday Nitro girls and as she does, each lady will come down to the ring and strut her stuff.  Spice introduces the Nitro Girls... Chae, AC Jazz, Fyre & Tygress.  The 4 ladies join Spice in the ring.  Spice says that this is great, but aren't they missing someone? Oh yeah - the new faces... Spice introduces the two newest members of the Nitro Girls - Joy Giovanni & Carmella DeCesare.   As all seven ladies hit the ring, they break into a dance number as we head to commercial.. .
The Nitro Girls leave the ring as Schiavone, Adams & Zbyszko talk about the return of the lovely ladies to WCW.  More music hits and here comes "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant to the ring.  Valiant gets on the mic.  All week, he's been hearing people ask, "Why Jimmy why?"  Why did he "turn on" Evan Karagais?  Valiant didn't turn on anyone.  He feels that Evan turned on him.  Valiant has bled and sweat pro wrestling for close to 40 years.  He's a Hall of Famer and a legend.  He saw potential in Karagias has tried to make him a star.  But Evan is too distracted by the women, the partying, etc.  Evan is a pretty-boy who thinks he knows it all.  Well, Jimmy is sick of Evan trying to coast by on his reputation.  And at the Road Wild PPV, it won't be the happy-go-lucky Boogie Woogie Man that Karagias is facing... it will be "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant - the same man who ran Paul Jones out of wrestling, who ran Gary Hart out of wrestling, who ran Sir Oliver Humperdink out of wrestling, who dominated the East Coast with his brothers and the great Captain Lou Albano and destroyed everyone who got in their way.  It's the Jimmy Valiant that's been buried away for a long time and is ready to come back and make Evan Karagias a bloody mess.
Here comes Evan Karagias to the ring.  Has Valiant lost it? Has he finally gone totally senile?  Evan has all the respect in the world for Valiant, but Jimmy kept screwing up as Evan's manager.  He cost Evan more than he helped Evan.  Last week, all Evan wanted was a friendly match and look what happened.  We see video from last week as Ethan Storm and Vampiro come out and attack Evan, causing a DQ finish.  Valiant needed two goons to beat Evan.  If Valiant thinks that Evan is going to sit down and rol over in the street fight, he's got another thing coming. 
Valiant says that Evan is his at the PPV, but right now, he needs to concentrate on something else.  Vampiro hits the ring and nails Evan from behind.  Valiant rolls to the floor as referee Hage Patel calls for the bell.
EVAN KARAGIAS  versus VAMPIRO w/ Jimmy Valiant
Vampiro continues his assault as the bell rings and pounds away at Karagias, Evan tries to fight back with punches and kicks and even manages to score with a dropkick, but Vampiro slaps him away and continues the attack.  Karagias ducks a clothesline and scores with a neckbreaker.  Evan is back on top with fists and kicks.  He launches himself into the ropes for a move, but Valiant reaches in and grabs at the foot to cause a distraction.  As Evan turns towards Valiant, Vampiro moves in and scoops Karagias up for the "Nail in the Coffin" and the pin.
Winner: VAMPIRO w/ Jmmy Valiant
Valiant and Vampiro kick and stomp away at Karagias before tossing him to the floor.
We go to the back and see Soce the Elemental Wizard talking to Daniel Puder.  Puder is wrestling Eric Angle tonight and he can't be too over-confident!  Puder tells Soce not to worry - he's not underestimating anyone.  Angle is a tough guy and a good wrestler, but Puder is better.  Puder tells Soce that he has to go get ready and walks off.  Soce is standing there and Mike Youngblood walks up. Youngblood is headed towards the ring, but asks Soce if he's busy later on.  Soce says that he has Puder's match later on. Youngblood tells Soce that maybe they can go get some coffee or something after the show.  Soce says OK.  Youngblood smiles and heads towards the ring for his match.
David Penzer makes the introductions. ...
Back and forth as Wright takes the early advantage by working over Youngblood in the corner, but misses a dropkick.  Youngblood takes advantage and tears into Alex with chops and a suplex.  Youngblood goes to the top for the flying elbow, but Wright is up and catches him with a slam off the top for two.  Wright with forearms and punches as he pushes Youngblood into the corner.  The referee is in between Mike and Alex, trying to break them up and Youngblood thumbs Alex in the eyes.  Impaler DDT by Youngblood and he gets the pin.
We come back and Terri Runnels is with Krissy Vaine backstage. Krissy is making her Nitro debut against Luna Vachon.  What are her thoughts?  Is she crazy?  Krissy says that Luna might be crazy, but Krissy is not a pushover.. and Luna better be ready to fight.  Krissy is here to make a name for herself and no one is getting in her way.  Terri tells Krissy good luck.  Krissy looks down at Terri and says that "I'm not the one who will be needing it!"..
Back to the ring and here comes WCW World Champion Sean O'Haire, C.W. Anderson, Charlie Haas & Dawn Marie... The Horsemen.  O'Haire gets the mic.  He has several matters to address.  First off, he's the WCW World Champion and so far, he has no opponent for the upcoming Road Wild PPV.  He's heard everyone running their mouths about how they deserve a shot or they want a match.  Well, that's up to the boss, Eric Bischoff, who gets the next title shot. But Sean wants to make it perfectly clear that he'll wrestle anyone. He's a fighting champion and he plans on staying the WCW Champion for a long time to come. 
The next subject to address is the missing member of the Horsemen, Tully Blancard.  Make no mistakes - Tully is a Horseman.  Right now, he wants to hang out with his old friends Luger & Windham and that's OK.  Tully knows that when he wants O'Haire and the others at his side, they'll be there.  There are rumors floating around about trouble between Tully and the new Horsemen, but O'Haire wants to assure everyone that there are no troubles and everything is fine. 
Charlie Haas takes the mic from O'Haire.  He'll address the other subject at hand and that's titles.  Right now, the Horsemen control the WCW World Championship.  But they're putting everyone on notice that if you're a champion, you're a target for the Horsemen.  It doesn't matter if it's the TV title, the Tag Team Titles, the Women's Championship, or even the rumored to soon-be-reinstated United States Championship.  The Horsemen want gold.  Haas wants gold!  C.W. wants gold.  Dawn Marie wants gold.  And they don't care who they have to run over to get it.
O'Haire, Dawn, Haas & C.W. flash the 4-fingered sign of the Horsemen as we go to commercial..
We go to David Penzer for the next match...
Krissy attacks Luna immediately at the bell, but Luna brushes aside all her offense and quickly slams her to the mat.  Neckbreaker by Luna and a suplex.  Luna lets out a big shreik as she hits a scoop-slam and covers for the pin.
Here comes Strawberry Fields and Sable to the ring and they quickly go after Luna, attacking her and beating her down to the mat.  Vaine is back up and joins in the attack, making it a three-on-one beating. Here comes Christy Hemme and Selina Majors from the back and they quickly help Luna even up the odds.  Sable, Strawberry and Vaine quickly flee from the ring and head back up the ramp as the sides even up.  Luna is enraged and Hemme & Majors have to hold her back to keep her from going up the ramp and after Sable & friends.  As Hemme & Majors attempt to calm Luna down, we go to commercial. 
Rico is talking to Soce.  What is he doing associating with that Youngblood guy?  He's not in their league and Soce is making a mistake.  Soce snaps that he's an adult and what he does in his own time is his business.  Soce quickly settles down and tell Rico that he promised him the TV title and he delivered.  He promised Hugh and Tank the Tag Team Titles and he delivered.  Soce just wants to see what this Mike Youngblood has to offer - and what kind of potential he has.  Rico just smirks that Youngblood's potential isn't what Soce is looking for.  Soce looks upset, but Rico smiles, "Just kidding, boss!"  Rico tells Soce he can do what he wants, but be careful.  Soce says he is.  Soce leaves to go get ready for Puder's match and walks off.. We see Rico smiling as Soce leaves, but that smile turns into a scowl and frown as the camera gets in close..
We go back to the ring and Brian Adams has left the announce position and has a mic in the ring.  He wants to talk about how "Sting" has been lurking around the WCW arenas for the past few weeks and hanging out in the rafters.  Brian said he's get to the bottom of this and well, Adams has talked to Steve Borden's wife.  Adams has talked to several people.. and whoever that is that's been dressing like and pretending to be Sting... well, it's not Sting.  Adams doesn't know who it is, but he's calling them out... right now! 
The cameras pan the top of the arena and quickly focus on a figure dressed in black and wearing a white "Sting" mask.  Adams spots the figure on the Nitrotron and tells the camera to focus on him.  The figure is just standing there, gazing at Adams in the ring.  Brian tells the man in black to get his butt down there right now and show the world who it is... he's not Sting.  He's an imposter.  Adams wants him down there right now!  The camera cuts to Adams and then back to where the man was standing.  Now, he's gone!  Adams calls him a gutless coward and phoney and says that he can hide for now, but at the Road Wild PPV in Sturgis, Adams will be in the ring again.. and he'll be calling the fake Sting imposter out.  And if he has the grapefruits, he'll answer the challenge.
We go backstage again and see Eric Angle warming up. It's Angle versus Puder and it's next....
Back to David Penzer
ERIC ANGLE versus DANIEL PUDER w/ Soce the Elemental Wizard
Angle takes the advantage with fists and kicks.  Suplexes by Angle and his game plan is obvious - keep the pressure on Puder and keep him too frazzled to get into the game. It lasts for a few seconds as Angle scores with more suplexes and attempts an Angle-Slam, but Puder is ready and counters the slam attempt into a kimura keylock as he grabs the arm and cinches it in.  Angle tries to roll around to counter and escape, but it's too late. Puder has it locked in and Angle is forced to use his free arm to tap out.
After the referee raises Puder's hand in victory, Daniel looks at the fallen Angle and quickly moves in to re-apply the keylock on the arm.  The referee is quickly there to attempt to pull Puder away from Angle and begins to count.  Finally Puder releases the hold and Soce raises his arm in victory. 
Music hits and here comes "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall out on the rampway.  Hall does a little hand-clapping for Puder and compliments him.  "Good match, Chico!  You're a bad dude!  But you know, Scott Hall, I'm known as 'the Bad Guy'!  And everywhere I go, I win matches, I win titles and I run into a lot of bad dudes who aren't quite so bad!'
"Get to your point, Hall!", yells Puder.  Hall continues, "Well, I want to see just how bad you are, chico!  So how about at Road Wild, we see Daniel Puder versus Scott Hall... and you show me what you got!"  Soce and Puder trade whispers in the ring and Puder gets back on the mic.  "You want a match, Hall!  You got it! And Scotty... you're next!"  Hall just smirks, "Don't sing it..... bring it!  'Cause the beating I put on you will be just too sweeeettt!  Survey says.. one more for the bad guy!"  Scott walks back to the back as Puder complains to his manager.
A video promo airs... coming on August 6th from the Bike Rally in Sturgis, SD, it's WCW Road Wild... on PPV!
We go back now to Tony Schiavone, Zbyszko and Adams at ringside who update the Road Wild Card.  So far, it's Adam Copeland versus Jeff Hardy.  Juvi defends the Cruiserweight Championship.  Ivory takes on Luna in a defense of the Women's Title.  Jimmy Valiant takes on Evan Karagias in a NYC Street Fight.  And just announced, it's Daniel Puder versus Scott Hall.  Plus Brian Adams will be calling out what he says is an imposter Sting.  More matches will be announced in the days to come.
We go backstage and Terri Runnels is with Kanyon.  Last week on Nitro, Kanyon lost a match to Booker T.  Kanyon isn't making excuses about how Sharmell interfered, but she did.  Kanyon wants a rematch against Booker.  Buff Bagwell and April Hunter walk up.  Buff says that Kanyon needs to quit whining and crying about losing.  He does it so often, he should be used to it by now.  Kanyon says that Buff should know.. didn't he and April get their butts kicked by Ivory and Juvi last week.  Buff says that Juvi and Ivory cheated and were lucky.  Buff and Kanyon exchange words and finally, Kanyon says he might have lost to Booker, but he knows he can beat Buff's ass!  Let's go settle it in the ring right now.  Buff says OK, but not tonight... They'll do it next week on Nitro.  And Buff promises Kanyon a beating he'll never forget.  Kanyon says that here's something that Buff will never forget and slaps Buff across the face, knocking the hat off his head.   Buff turns red and acts like he's going to do something, but backs off.  Kanyon smiles and says, "See you next week bitch... and you too, April!" before walking off.  Buff is holding his jaw and watches..
We see Adam Copeland and Amy Dumas walking towards the ring.  Copeland makes his WCW debut.. next!
We go to David Penzer for the ring introductions. ..
Kirby is all over Adam as we start the match and uses his speed advantage to hit and run and keep Adam from gaining any momentum.  Kirby scores several two counts and we hear Zbyszko comment "Welcome to WCW, Copeland! It's not so easy, is it!"  Almost as soon as the words leave Zbyszko's mouth, we see Amy Dumas reach in and grab Kirby's foot to cause a distraction.  As Kirby turns around after taking a swipe at Amy, he gets nailed by Copeland and the spear.  Adam covers for the pin.
Winner:  ADAM COPELAND w/ Amy Dumas
We see a video package highlighting the problems between Brock Lesnar and Gangrel and then Brock Lesnar and The Giant. 
We come back and Brock Lesnar is in the ring.  He's tired of games and crap.  He wants the Giant and Gangrel to get their tales down to the ring now!
Here comes The Giant and Gangrel as David Penzer makes the ring introductions for the main event.
Brutality is the name of the game as Brock starts off with Gangrel and just beats the holy-hell out of him.  Brock dominates with slams and just tossing Gangrel around the ring as Brock keeps him away from his corner and Giant partner.  Brock seems to have things going his way and sets up Gangrel for the F-5 when Joel Gertner is up on the ring apron and distracts the referee.  Giant is in and nails Brock with a headbutt.  Brock is stunned and we see Giant toss his own partner to the corner.  Giant then climbs out of the ring and tags himself into the match.  Brock nails the Giant with fists and punches, but the Giant is just too big and fresh as he just pounds away at Lesnar.  Brock fights back and gets the Giant up for a slam.  Brock looks like he's going to try to attempt the F-5 on The Giant when Gangrel is back in to break it up as he nails Brock with a spear.  Giant tosses Brock into the corner and splashes him.  Giant tags in Gangrel who hits the Impaler and gets the pin on the battered and beaten Brock.
Winners:  THE GIANT & GANGREL w/ Joel Gertner
As Gertner raises the arms of Giant and Gangrel in the ring, we go backstage where we see Mike Youngblood waiting.  Soce is there and he's ready to go out, but then Soce's cellphone rings.  It's Tank Abbott and Soce says he needs to take the call.. he'll be right back.  As Soce walks off to talk to Abbott on the phone, we see Youngblood just sort of standing there and standing around.  A loud crash as a chair comes down across the head of Youngblood from behind.  As Youngblood goes down, we see a shot of the man holding the chair.. it's Rico. He just smiles an evil smile as the show fades to black.