NWA Danger Zone Wrestling
October 23, 2005
Cleveland, Ohio
Gund Arena
Disclaimer: This is just fantasy and just for fun. It's not real!
We open with Tony Schiavone standing in the middle of the ring. He has a special guest. The Immortal Hulk Hogan. Hogan comes out on crutches, accompanied by Jimmy Hart, Brian Knobbs & Brutus Beefcake. Hogan gets the mic and rambles first about the injury to his knee, caused by "Macho Man" Randy Savage at the "Pain, Blues & Agony" PPV. Savage is a psycho and needs to be locked away. He'll get his soon enough. But it's not Randy's fault. It's the fault of that jealous has-been piece of trash, Harley Race. Race has challenged Hogan to a match at the upcoming "Bad Moon Rising" PPV in November. Hogan says he's saying his prayers and he'll be ready to put Harley out of the business for good! "Whatcha gonna do, Race, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!"
Jimmy Hart takes the mic and talks about their match later tonight with Knobbs and Beefcake and a mystery partner taking on Kronik and Randy Savage. They're ready for action and they're going to put Randy Savage out of his senile misery once and for all. As for Kronik, they need to learn to mind their own business. Being involved with Savage has given them a check they won't be able to cash! Knobbs says that Adams, Clark and Savage are on a one way trip to Nastyville!
Cut to Missy Hyatt in the back who's standing by with Kronik. What's their thoughts on what they just heard. Adams says that they're there to watch Savage's back and if Hogan's lackies want to get in their way, it'll be bad times for them. Clark interjects, "Not bad times, but high times!" Kronik is all about breaking necks and cashing checks, but where Hogan and his cronies are concerned, this one is on the house! Here's the "Macho Man!" He and Adams go back a long way. He's a true friend and a good man - unlike Hogan, who isn't a man! Hogan sends his stooges to do his dirty work. It doesn't matter who their partner is tonight. It's all about the madness and it's all about Kronik! Dig it!
We see video clips of the friendly challenge last week as Charlie Haas and Miss Jackie implied they they could beat Greg Valentine and Valentine said they'll just have to see about that.
Cue Gary Michael Capetta...
Just before the bell rings, we hear some music and none other than Nancy Benoit, aka "Woman" comes out and walks to ringside, taking a seat next to the time-keeper. Schaivone and Mantell speculate as to why she's here and at ringside as the ref calls for the bell.
Both men begin slowly with a series of lock-ups and counters. Haas seems to be going after the arm of Valentine, while Greg is just taking his time, looking for the right opening. Valentine backs Haas into the corner and this is it! SMASH! Big forearms to the chest and a big chop by Greg. Haas tries to fight back, but Greg seems to feel no pain. Dropkick by Haas and big slam. Up to the top, but Valentine moves quickly and catches him with a fist. Haas kicks Greg away and scores with a missle-dropkick from the top. Cover for two as Valentine just barely kicks out. Whip to the corner by Haas and he charges in, but Greg moves away and Haas's knee eats turnbuckle. Greg seizes the injured leg and quickly drops two elbows before locking in the figure four. Haas tries to make it to the ropes, but can't so he's forced to tap.
Winner by submission: GREG "THE HAMMER" VALENTINE
Woman just watches the finish and nods knowingly as the ref raises Valentine's arm in victory. Miss Jackie is in the ring and trying to console her man as he holds his knee and tries to get to his feet. Valentine approaches Haas and helps him up with an "I told you so!" look on his face. The two men hug and Haas raises Valentine's arm.
We cut to the back where Harley Race is talking to Sting. Sting wants a match against the NWA World Champion, VADER. Harley agrees that Sting should have a one on one shot. Sting wants it tonight. Harley says that Vader isn't here tonight. He had a prior committment in Japan. But how about on the premiere edition of NWA W.A.R. coming next week. Sting likes the idea and says that when W.A.R. hits the air, it's showtime!
Cue Gary Michael Capetta as he makes the introductions for the next match..
Woman is still at ringside watching the matches.
Schiavone explains to the fans that Kevin Nash had a movie committment and couldn't be here tonight. But Hall was wanting to wrestle anyhow so Harley Race signed this match.
Vampiro starts off strong with forearms and chops. Kicks by Vampiro and he locks Hall in a chinlock. Hall uses the elbows to escape and tosses Vampiro to the floor. He follows and both men start exchanging blows on the floor. Vampiro tries to send Hall into the ringpost, but Hall switches it and Vamp eats steel. Hall rolls Vampiro back into the ring and signals it's time for the Razor's Edge. He scores and covers for the pin.
Winner: Scott Hall
And here comes Buff Bagwell and Shane Douglas to the rampway. They congratulate Hall on his win and want to know when they are going to get a title shot against the Outsiders. Hall says that's up to Race and the guys in the back. Douglas says that maybe he and Buff should come to the ring and make it up to Hall. Hall says, "Don't sing it - bring it!" Douglas and Buff start down towards the ring, but stop about halfway. "Not now!" says Buff. Buff and Douglas head to the back as Hall flips them off and acknowleges the cheers of his fans.
Cut to the back as we see NWA Women's Champion Lisa Moretti and Molly Holly getting ready for their tag team match. It's next!
We see another shot of Woman who is still at ringside, taking notes and watching the matches.
Cue Gary Michael Capetta....
The heels attacked Molly and Lisa almost as soon as they hit the ring. Molly is sent to the floor and Luna & Sherri do a double-team pounding on the Women's champion. Luna claws at the face of Ivory and give a bone-jarring slam to the mat. Tag to Sherri who rips and claws at Lisa and tosses her into the corner. Sherri charges and Lisa catches her with an elbow. Fists by Lisa and the hot tag to Molly. Molly cleans house and chops away at Sherri and Luna. Slam on Luna and a toss to the corner. Molly-Go-Round on Sherri and cover for the two. Luna breaks it up. Lisa is in and all four women are brawling. The ref is bumped and sent barreling into Molly. Sherri and Luna doubleteam Ivory and, seeing that the ref is down, Luna goes outside and gets a chair. She swings at Moretti, who ducks and the chair hits Sherri Martel. Molly nails Luna who goes flying across the ring. Moretti covers Sherri and gets the pin.
Sherri and Luna are in each others face after the loss and blaming each other. Slap by Sherri to Luna and Luna charges Sherri. Cat fight brawl as refs come down to pull them apart.
Cut to the back where Missy Hyatt is standing by with Blackjack Mulligan and Barry WIndham. Mulligan talks about Scott Steiner as we see footage of their confrontation last week with Mulligan costing Steiner a match against Ron Simmons. Mulligan calls Steiner a "loud mouth punk" and says that his mouth bites off more than his ass can chew. Tonight, Steiner gets a good old butt-whoopin' from a good ol' boy! Missy asks Windham about his relationship with Arn Anderson. Are the Horsemen reuniting? Windham addresses the question and says that he and Arn are old friends. It's great to see "The Enforcer" back in the ring and right now, Barry is just taking things as they come and having fun. As for the Horsemen, never say never, but that's not in the books right now! Maybe next week!
A promo airs showing several pictures of The Great Wall of China. And it says, "Coming Next Week"...
Sirens blare as Scott Steiner and Midajah make their way to the ring. Steiner is pissed off (as usual) and quickly cuts a profanity laced promo on Blackjack Mulligan, Harley Race, the NWA, and anything else that seems to pop into his mind at the time. He yells for Mulligan - he's not waiting until later in the night, so Mulligan needs to get his redneck, broken down cowboy ass out there now.
Here comes Blackjack Mulligan and we have a match...
Mulligan hits the ring and immediately the brawling begins. Chops by Steiner. Fists by Mulligan. Steiner lands a knee to the gut and scores with a suplex for two. Mulligan kicks out. Steiner threatens the ref and goes to nail Mulligan with a fist. Mulligan blocks and slaps the snot out of Steiner. It's Mulligan in control as he pounds away at Steiner. Suplex by Mulligan and he whips Steiner into the ropes. Steiner drops out of the ring and bails, heading to the back with Midajah at his side. The ref counts to 10 and Mulligan is the winner.
Winner by countout: BLACKJACK MULLIGAN
The Honky Tonk Man is waiting as Steiner comes into the backstage area. "What's going on?" HTM asks! Steiner just grabs HTM and slams him into a wall. As refs and agents come into the picture, Steiner just walks off, mumbling and cussing under his breath.
A promo video for the NWA's next PPV - "Bad Moon Rising" airs. Coming on November 11, 2005 from the Alamo Dome in San Antonio, TX. Already signed: Hulk Hogan versus NWA Commissioner and former 8-time NWA Champion Harley Race. More to come...
Missy Hyatt is with Harley Race. She asks about the incident with Scott Steiner from a few moments ago. Harley calls Steiner a "loose cannon", but says that this matter will be addressed. Steiner will be fined for attacking an announcer. And since Steiner didn't seem to want to finish his match tonight, next week on the "Danger Zone" - Steiner will take on Mulligan again. It's no count outs or DQ's. And the special referee will be The Honky Tonk Man.
Here are Shane Douglas and Buff Bagwell. They want a title shot against the Outsiders. Harley tells them that tonight, they have a match against DOOM. The winning team will get a title shot against The Outsiders next week on the Danger Zone! Douglas and Buff appear happy with this and and go to prepare for their match later.
Cut to the ring and Sean O'Haire is in the ring. We see another shot of Woman at ringside. O'Haire talks about the high of winning the NWA World Championship and the lows of losing the belt to Vader. He feels as if he let everyone down. Vader is a tough man and beat him - he has no problems with that. But he's not through. He's tasted gold and he's addicted. He wants more!
Music sounds as Doug Gilbert and Tommy Rich come out and come towards the ring. Gilbert talks about how they're tired of hearing O'Haire "whining and crying" out here. Rich says that O'Haire needs to grow up and be a man. They're in Sean's face. O'Haire unloads and levels Rich. Gilbert attacks and the two start pounding away at O'Haire. A beatdown begins, but here comes Barry Windham from the back. Windham has a chair and clears the ring of Gilbert. O'Haire is back up and levels Rich with a super-kick, sending him flying to the floor. O'Haire and Windham stand tall in the ring as Gilbert and Rich flee to the back.
We come back and Schiavone & Mantell have been replaced at ringside by Rich Landrum and Mike Sanders. They want to give everyone a sample of what to expect with the NWA Wrestling All-Star Revue - beginning next week. They plug their show again and lets the fans know that Harley Race has signed a big tag match for the debut edition of NWA W.A.R. - it's Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert versus Barry Windham and Sean O'Haire. Next up is six-man action. Cue Gary Michael Capetta who introduces Jim Cornette.
Cornette comes to the ring and rants and raves about how the Midnight Express has been overlooked repeatedly by the NWA. That's about to change. He's fighting back and forming a militia. And his army consists of The Midnight Express, Beautiful Bobby and Sweet Stan, and the best masked man of all time - The Masked Superstar. Cornette talks about their match tonight and how he hates fairys and loud mouthed jackasses - and their opponents, Disco Inferno and the West Hollywood Blondes need to grow up and become real men... like him! Cornette introduces his team and throws the mic at Capetta who introduces the opposing team. And it's time for action.
Eaton and Lodi start off. Eaton goes after the arm, but Lodi escapes by grabbing Eaton on the butt. Tag to Stan Lane who uses martial arts to take control. Lodi reverses and tags Lenny. Double-team and Disco is in. Triple team repeatedly. Disco is in control, but stops to dance for a moment and gets nailed by a spin-kick by Stan. Tag to the Superstar who cleans house with clotheslines and fists. It's chaos as everyone is in the ring fighing. Disco has the duck and nails Superstar and covers for the pin. Eaton comes off the top with a legdrop and nails Disco. He places Superstar on top of Disco. Here comes Lenny with an elbow on Superstar and he covers Superstar. Cornette is up and distracts the ref as he tosses the tennis racket to Stan Lane who nails Lenny and quickly gets rid of the evidence. Superstar covers and gets the pin.
We come back and Missy Hyatt has come down to ringside and asks Woman, who's been at ringside all night taking notes, why is she here. Woman gets up and tells Missy that it's not any of her business before walking off.
We cut to the back and Muhammad Hassan is talking to The Iron Sheik. Sheik is telling Hassan that he needs to win the NWA North American Championship tonight. And here is "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson - the North American Champ. He goes nose to nose with Hassan and tells him that he's looking forward to meeting him in the ring. But he wants to know why Hassan wastes him time with The Iron Sheik? Hassan isn't even Arab - why does he listen to the B.S. that the Sheik keeps talking. Hassan is better than that. Hassan says he doesn't need the Sheik to beat a "gimp" like Anderson. Anderson tells him that talk is cheap, but he'll need to prove it in the ring. The Arabs look ready to attack Arn, but he just tells them not to make the mistake of a lifetime and they back off. Sheik & Muhammad just glare at Arn as he walks off.
Schiavone and Mantell are back at ringside. Next up is the # 1 Contenders match for the NWA World Tag Team Title. They are joined at ringside by "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall who has decided to do a little scouting.
Cue Gary Michael Capetta..
Great tag action as Buff starts off with Simmons. Arm drags by Buff and he struts. He is the stuff! Ron responds by busting Buff in the face and tagging off to Reed. Double-team and Reed locks in the chinlock. Buff escapes with elbows and tags off to Douglas. Reed is ready and slams Douglas to the mat. Reed whips Douglas into the ropes but puts his head down too soon - neckbreaker by Douglas. Tag to Buff and doubleteam. And so it goes - Buff and Douglas continue to work on Reed while Simmons is frustrated in the corner, wanting a tag. Finally, Reed manages to belly-to-belly Douglas. Both men down. Hot tag to Simmons and he's on fire. Slams and clotheslines to everyone. Picks up Douglas for a side suplex, but Douglas has slipped a chain out of his tights and wrapped it around his fist. He pops Simmons in the head and falls on top of him. Reed tries to get in, but Buff cuts him off. Cover and pin by Douglas for the win.
Cue Gary Michael Capetta...
"THE ENFORCER" ARN ANDERSON (c) versus MUHAMMAD HASSAN (with the Iron Sheik)
Arn looks confident as he stands in the ring. Sheik and Muhammad are arguing as they come out. The bell rings and Arn quickly moves in and goes after the arm of Muhammad. Muhammad uses a body slam and locks Arn in a chinlock. Arn fights out with elbows and kicks. Lefts by AA and Muhammad is reeling. Sheik is livid on the outside and tries to distract the referee. He succeeds, but while the ref is distracted, Arn hits Muhammad with a low blow. Spinebuster by AA for two. Sheik climbs on the ring apron and is grabbed by Anderson. Muhammad tries for a knee from the back, but AA moves and Muhammad knocks the Sheik to the floor. He turns around and Arn hits the DDT for the pin.
Winner and still champion: ARN ANDERSON
Arn leaves the ring area with his arms raised in victory. Muhammad is just shocked at how quickly things ended in the match. The Iron Sheik is up in his face and yelling at him for losing the match. Hassan tries to explain, but the Sheik will have none of it and slaps Hassan across the face. Muhammad is livid and goes after the Sheik who quickly bails to the floor and stomps off.
Schiavone and Mantell show a replay of what just happened in the ring with the Iron Sheik and Muhammad Hassan following Muhammad's loss to Arn Anderson. During the break, Missy Hyatt caught the Sheik as he entered the back and asked him what just happened. Sheik sputtered something about giving the kid a break and he blows it. Here is Muhammad and he wants to know why the Sheik walked off like that. Sheik slaps him again and Muhammad attacks into a quick pier-sixer pull apart brawl. Schiavine announces that next week on the Danger Zone, it's teacher versus pupil as Muhammad Hassan will take on the Iron Sheik. Plus Hall & Nash defend the tag team titles against Buff Bagwell & Shane Douglas. Plus the debut of "The Great Wall of China".. It'll be a great show, so look for it.
Cue Gary Michael Capetta...
Savage and Kronik are waiting in the ring. Hart and his team come on the ramp. It's time to bring out their mystery partner. Lights flash and smoke fills the arena as The Great Muta makes his return to American television. Watching Muta's entrance from the ring, Kronik and Savge just shrug. They don't seem surprised. Now, it's time to take care of business.
Savage starts off with Beefcake, who wants to play rough and unloads several punches at the Macho Man. Randy fights back and levels Brutus with a slap to the kisser before tagging off to Bryan Clark. Brutus moves in quickly, but feels a bone-crushing slam for his efforts. Elbow by Clark and he tosses Beefcake to the floor. Brutus slowly climbs back into the ring and tags in Knobbs. He's had enough for now. Knobbs unloads with fists and kicks and sends Clark to his knees. Clark fights back and levels Knobbs with a clothesline before tagging in Brian Adams. Adams gets a two on Knobbs before tossing him across the ring and allowing the Great Muta to tag in. Muta is strong with the kicks and chops on the former "Crush", but BA fights back and catches Muta with a backbreaker. Both men are down. Hot tag to Savage. He goes to the corner and nails both Beefcake and Knobbs. Slam on Muta and Savage goes up for the elbow. Connection and a cover for two as Beefcake breaks it up!
We come back and Knobbs & Muta are double-teaming Savage in their corner while Beefcake distracts the ref and Kronik. Huge slam by Knobbs and he decides to go up for an elbow of his own. Savage catches him on the ropes and clips the legs. Knobbs sings soprano. Savage makes the hot tag to Clark who comes in with clotheslines for everyone. Jimmy Hart is up on the arpon and he gets blasted by the former "Adam Bomb" and knocked to the floor. Muta takes advantage and kicks Clark in the stomach and knocks him to the floor. Muta follows and Knobbs and Hart are there to hold Clark while Muta prepares to blow the mist. Savage is on the other side of the ring slugging it out with Beefcake. Here comes Brian Adams and he nails Muta just as the mist explodes from Muta's mouth, totally missing Clark, but nailing Jimmy Hart smack dab in the kisser. Adams goes after Knobbs and puts him into the steps with a big kick. Clark throws Muta back into the ring and scores with a huge powerslam to pick up the pin.
Tony Schiavone quickly plugs NWA W.A.R. coming up next Friday as well as the NWA Danger Zone which will return next Sunday. Next week on the Danger Zone, it's Mulligan versus Steiner, The Outsiders versus Buff & Douglas... and so much more. Plus the long-awaited debut of "The Great Wall of China". Don't miss it!
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