NWA Wrestling All-Star Revue (NWA W.A.R,)
December 2, 2005
The Recap
Disclaimer: Too bad it's just fantasy or Vince would be sweating bullets right about now!
We are welcomed to the show by announcers Rich Landrum & "Above Average" Mike Sanders. Tonight will be a big show with three big title matches. Also, NWA Commissioner Harley Race will have some big announcements about the NWA's next PPV, Seasons Beatings - coming up on December 20, 2005. That's coming up, but first, let's start off with action..
Cue David Penzer...
BARRY WINDHAM & KENDALL WINDHAM (with Blackjack Mulligan)
The Windham's come out to the sounds of "Rap Is Crap" from their West Texas Redneck Days at WCW and bring along daddy Blackjack Mulligan to ringside. The Blondes are accompanied by Disco Inferno. Disco gets on the mic to start and tells the Windham family that they need to go back out to the barn and hang out with the rest of the cowboys. The Windhams go after Disco and Lenny & Lodi attack for the quick advantage. Lots of tagging in and out as The Blondes work on the arm of Kendall - keeping him on their side of the ring. Kendall comes back with a hotshot and drops Lodi to the mat. Disco distracts the ref and Lenny stops Kendall from making the tag with a big elbow. More double-teaming from the Blondes. Finally, Kendall hits a double-clothesline & manages to hot-tag his older brother. Barry is in like a house of fire with clotheslines and fists for everyone. Disco climbs on the apron to attempt to interfere, but Blackjack Mulligan pulls him down and nails him with a hard left. Barry hits a bulldog on Lodi and tags to Kendall. Superplex by Kendall on Lodi and he covers Lodi to get the pin.
Winners: BARRY WINDHAM & KENDALL WINDHAM (with Blackjack Mulligan)
We come back and NWA Commissioner Harley Race is in the ring. He makes some announcements about the next big NWA PPV - "Seasons Beatings". It will be coming on December 20, 2005 from The Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta Canada. The main event, as a result of winning the battle royal on this past week's edition of W.A.R., will be "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage taking on NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting in a match for the title. Also, Harley mentions that he has a piece of video tape to show. We go back to the 11/20 edition of Danger Zone Wrestling and see the Horsemen, Mark Copani and Arn Anderson attack The Iron Sheik after a match and spike-pilefrive him on a steel chair. Iron Sheik has been out of action since then. We cut back to Harley and he announces that at Seasons Beatings, it will be THE IRON SHEIK versus MARK COPANI in a steel cage match. More matches will be signed in the days and weeks to come.
We cut to the back and see Mark Copani complaining to fellow Horseman Arn Anderson and Woman. They put Sheik out of wrestling. Copani is not happy. Arn tells him to calm down and they'll take care of this later. They put the Iron Sheik out once and can do it again. Arn has to go get ready for his match against the Masked Superstar. It's coming up next!
We come back and see Jim Cornette talking to the Masked Superstar in the back. Things haven't been going all that great as of late, but they are fixing to change for the better. Last week, the Midnight Express beat Knobbs & Beefcake and Cornette is cool with Harley Race again. Tonight, Superstar wins the North American Championship and then, it's on to the World title and Sting.
Jimmy Hart walks into the picture and interupts. Superstar had better not count on Cornette for anything because he's a gutless parasite and loud mouthed jerk. Cornette and Hart begin to to argue and the Superstar has to break them up as the words get louder and louder. Superstar threatens Hart and then tells Cornette that they need to go take care of business right now. Worry about Hart later because right now, it's about the Masked Superstar winning that piece of gold. Cornette agrees and they head towards the ring.
Video Promo airs promoting the next big NWA PPV - Seasons Beatings - coming from Calgary, Alberta, Canada on December 20, 2005.
We go to ring announcer David Penzer who announces the challenger for the next match, Masked Superstar accompanied by Jim Cornette..
Penzer introduces the North American Champion, Arn Anderson and it's time for the match..
ARN ANDERSON (with Woman) - (champion) versus THE MASKED SUPERSTAR (with Jim Cornette)
Arn starts off by going after the left arm of the Superstar. Superstar uses the size advantage and decides to concentrate on the back and neck of Arn. Clotheslines by Superstar and he levels Arn with a hotshot on the top rope. Two count, but Woman breaks it up by putting Arn's foot on the ropes. Cornette argues with Woman and Superstar is distracted by the commotion. Anderson hits a low blow and a big DDT out of nowhere. Arn covers for two. Arn clubs away at the masked man and locks in a bearhug. Superstar rips at the eyes and connects with a big slam. Superstar misses a clothesline as Arn ducks and counters with a spinebuster from hell. Both men are down. Arn covers for two. We see the fists flying as the men decide to slug it out for a bit. Backdrop by Superstar and he scores with another clothesline. Superstar locks in the cobra-clutch on the North American champion. From out of the back, Jimmy Hart is out and he attacks Jim Cornette on the floor, leveling him with the megaphone. The ref goes to the floor to break up the fighting managers and Woman, taking advantage, goes in the ring and claws the eyes of the Masked Superstar, breaking his hold on Arn. Very low kick by Woman and Superstar goes down. Arn covers and grabs the tights for extra leverage as the ref gets back into the ring and counts the pin.
Winner and still champion: ARN ANDERSON (with Woman)
We come back from commercial and see Masked Superstar in the back giving Jim Cornette the third degree. Where was he when Woman interfered? Cornette tries to explain that he was fighting Jimmy Hart, but the Superstar doesn't care. Cornette dropped the ball and cost him the title. Superstar says that Cornette had better do something about it or else Superstar will... to him.. Cornette looks worried as Superstar stalks off..
We go to Michael P.S. Hayes who is standing by with Joanie "Chyna Doll" Laurer. Hayes asks Joanie about her erratic behavior since her NWA debut and we see clips of several incidents where Joanie broke down because of Sean Waltman and Madusa and even abandoned her tag team partner, the Blue Meanie, during a match. Laurer makes no excuses and says that Waltman makes her crazy - she still loves him, but the line between love and hate is mighty thin and he makes her irrational. But she's OK now - she's found help and support from several friends and is ready to end this once and for all.
Here comes Waltman & Madusa into the picture. What is Laurer going to to? She's a basket case and no one cares about her. Laurer, for once, doesn't back down and tells Waltman that he'd better back off now or she'll kick his ass again, just like she did when they were together. Waltman is shocked and backs off, but Madusa decides to run off at the mouth and wants to know why Laurer is so brave and bad all of a sudden. Laurer just smiles and says that over the past couple of weeks, she's been in touch with a few old friends and mended a few fences and has come to the realization that she doesn't need alcohol or pills. She's better than that. And she doesn't need Waltman in her life. She just needs herself. She's closing the book on the Sean Waltman chapter of her life at the next NWA PPV - Seasons Beatings - for good. Madusa wants to know how she's planning to do that. Laurer says by bringing in an old friend and kicking both your asses. Madusa and Waltman, who's regained his composure, ask who...? Laurer just smiles and says "Paul" before walking off.
Waltman and Madusa look at each other wondering, "Paul" and then a look of realization comes across their faces as they realize who Paul is...
Landrum and Sanders speculate as to who "Paul" might be and announce that for the PPV, a match has been signed with Sean Waltman & Madusa versus Joanie Laurer and "Paul".. Also, for tonight's main event, it will be manager Jim Cornette taking on manager Jimmy Hart in a match. Time to go backstage where Missy Hyatt is standing by with the NWA Womans Champion, Lisa "Ivory" Moretti.
Missy asks Ivory about the Womens Championship and her match tonight against Miss Jackie Gayda, which is a rematch from last weeks W.A.R. Lisa talks about how proud she is to be the Womens Champion for the second time in the NWA. She's a fighting champion and will take on everyone and anyone. As for Jackie, she's a great talent and has come a long way since her "Tough Enough" days. She's a member of the Horsemen now and Lisa is proud of her. But Jackie needs to remember who is the teacher and who was the pupil. It's time for "Miss Jackie" to go back to school and whatever it takes, Lisa plans on keeping her title. Now, it's time to head to the ring.
Cue David Penzer...
LISA "IVORY" MORETTI (c) versus MISS JACKIE GAYDA (with Charlie Haas)
A quick match with both ladies immediately going for the punches and kicks and several attempts at quick pins. Jackie takes advantage with a headscissors and locks Ivory in a chinlock. Ivory with a jawbuster to escape and a suplex. Ivory to the top, but Charlie Haas pushes her off the top to the mat. Jackie covers for the two count as Ivory gets a foot on the ropes. Jackie and Haas decide to argue with the referee for a bit. Ivory pulls herself together and rolls up Jackie with a cradle (and a handful of ropes) for the quick pin. Ivory rolls from the ring in victory as a stunned Jackie tries to figure out what just happened.
Winner & still champion: LISA "IVORY" MORETTI
We come back and Missy Hyatt is standing by with Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert. They feel like they've been getting the shaft since coming to the NWA. They've beaten up everyone and still get overlooked. Tonight is their opportunity and tonight, Rich and Gilbert become the tag champs. Missy asks if they're worried about the other Horsemen getting involved? Gilbert says it doens't matter because he and Rich are from Memphis and are used to gang warfare. Anyone who interferes gets their butt kicked - simple as that.
We cut to Jimmy Hart, Brian Knobbs & Brutus Beefcake who are taking in the back. Hart assures Knobbs & Beefcake that he's ready to shut Jim Cornette up for good - and notes that Cornette is alone tonight. The Midnjght Express isn't here and Superstar isn't happy with Cornette -so that leaves a lot of possibilities available. Knobbs and Beefcake get the meaning and smile. Michael Hayes steps into the picture. He has a message from Commissioner Harley Race - the match is now NO DQ. But if anyone decides to interfere for their manager, that person and the manager will be FIRED! Hart's smile quickly fades as Hayes walks off.
Cue David Penzer:
Great action back and forth as Gilbert and Rich prove they came to fight the Horsemen and are just as dirty and devious. Haas and O'Haire use a lot of doubleteaming and work over the back of Rich. Gilbert gets the hot tag and low-kicks both members of the Horsemen. Woman climbs on the apron and Gilbert plants a big kiss on her. O'Haire levels Gilbert from the back a superkick and the Horsemen are back in control. Haas hits the Haas of Pain on Gilbert and tags off to O'Haire and one swanton bomb later, the Horsemen take the pin and the victory.
Winners and still champions: CHARLIE HAAS & SEAN O'HAIRE - THE HORSEMEN
The Horsemen aren't finished yet after their win and continue to beat down Rich & Gilbert. Arn Anderson and Mark Copani come from the back to join the fun and a vicious 4 on 2 beating ensues. The crowd erupts as Kevin Nash & Scott Hall - THE OUTSIDERS come from the back and clear the ring of the Horsemen. The Horsemen regroup on the outside and circle the ring before charging the ring and attacking the Outsiders. And here comes Kronik - Brian Adams & Bryan Clark. The odds are now even and the Horsemen bail to the floor and head to the back as The Outsiders and Kronik stand tall in the ring.
We come back and Missy Hyatt is standing by with the new # 1 Contender for the NWA Championship, CHRISTIAN CAGE..
Christian talks about leaving the WWE and how he's ready to get out from under the corporate ladder and reach his true potential. Cage respects the NWA Champion - Sting, and feels it will be a great match when the two wrestle at Seasons Beatings. But as a Christmas present for himself and all of his peeps, Christian assures everyone that he will be the next NWA Champion....because that's how he rolls.
We come backand Landrum announces that at the Seasons Beatings PPV, it will be a four corners elimination tag match with The Horsemen defending the NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES against The Outsiders, Kronik , and Tommy Rich/Doug Gilbert.
It's time for the main event so here is David Penzer..
Landrum brings up that no one is allowed to interfere or else they'll be fired. Sanders puts over Cornette as a great wrestling technician. Fists by both men and they roll around on the mat and fall to the floor. Cornette slams Hart into the ring apron and gets a chair. He swings, but Hart ducks and Cornette's chair hits the ringpost instead. Cornette drops the chair and Hart charges him with a tackle. More rolling around on the floor and the ref breaks them up. Hart goes back in the ring and the referee counts Cornette. Cornette makes it back into the ring at the nine count. Jimmy Hart attacks again and uses a cradle (yes - a wrestling hold) to get another two. Hart pounds away at Cornette until Cornette pulls Hart forward into the corner by the front of his tights and Hart eats turnbuckle. Cornette with boots and kicks. Cornette gets his tennis racket and winds up, preparing to use it on Hart. Cornette misses and Hart catches Cornette with a spear. Both men are down. Hart puts an arm over Cornette and gets two. Both men are punching again and the referee gets caught with a shot to the chops and goes down. Here comes Knobbs & Beefcake to ringside. They are yelling at Hart to get up and get Cornette. Masked Superstar comes down as well to the other side of the ring and cheers on Cornette. We go to a commercial break.
We come back and the wrestlers are still at ringside cheering on their managers. Landrum brings up again that if the wrestlers interfere on behalf of their manager, they will be fired. It's still ugly inside the ring as Cornette and Hart are trading slaps and punches. Hart manages to get a chinlock on Cornette. Cornette backs into the corner and crushes Hart. Kicks by Cornette and he gets two. Cornette whips Hart into the ropes and they collide with the referee - cracking skulls. All three are down. Here comes VAMPIRO to the ring. He nails the Superstar from behind with a chair. Knobbs and Beefcake are estatic about their new ally... until he takes the chair and lays out both Knobbs and Beefcake as well. Vampiro looks into the ring and goes inside. Making sure the ref is still down, Vampiro picks up Jimmy Hart and delivers the "nail in the coffin". Vampiro places Cornette on top of Hart and slides to the outside as the referee comes to and see's Cornette covering Hart. The referee counts and Jim Cornette is the winner.
Landrum and Sanders thank the fans for watching and we're out of time. Be sure to check out NWA Danger Zone Wrestling on Sunday. See you next week.
The end...
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