Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NWA Wrestling All-Star Revue (November 18, 2005)

NWA Wrestlng All-Star Review
November 18, 2005
Boston Garden
Boston, MA
Disclaimer:  It's all fantasy folks! 
Announcers Rich Landrum and Mike Sanders welcome us to the show.  It's the biggest show in W.A.R.'s history and we've got several huge matches.  Sting defends the NWA World Championship against the former Champion, Vader.  The NWA World Tag Team Titles are on the line as the new champs, Brian Adams & Bryan Clark - KRONIK, take on the team of Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell.  The Horsemen take on The Mulligans - Blackjack & son Barry Windham.    And so much more.
Cue David Penzer as we head to the ring for the first match.
We see clips of the 12 man elimination match from last weeks Danger Zone.  The mystery partners for the face team were revealed as Kendall Windham and Mike Rotundo.
It's as faced paced as one might express with the Junior Mulligan team (Blackjack's son and son-in-law) keeping the Midnights on the denfensive with a combination of quick tags, power moves and some scientific brawling.  Lane attempts the martial arts to come back for his team, to no avail.  Rotundo has Eaton in an airplane splin and tags to Windham who sets up for the bulldog.  Cornette interferes from the outside and nails Windham as he comes off the ropes with a chairshot to the back.  Lane knocks Rotundo to the floor and catches Windham with a superkick.  Eaton covers and gets the pin.
Winners:  The Midnight Express (and Jim Cornette)
Cornette and the Midnights continue the beating on Windham after the match with Eaton holding Windham as Cornette slaps and mocks him.  Lane keeps Rotundo on the outside with kicks and the tennis racket.  From the dressing room, Blackjack Mulligan and Barry Windham enter the ring to save their faimly members.  Cornette and The Midnghts' bail as the Mulligan family regroups in the center of the ring.
We come back and The Blue Meanie is in the ring.  He calls out Joanie Laurer.  We see clips of Laurer's loss to Madusa at the PPV, as well as her "tainted" victory over The Blue Meanie on last weeks W.A.R., courtesy of Madusa and Sean Waltman.  We then see clips of Laurer being told by Harley Race to "do something about it!" 
Laurer comes to the ring.  She talks about her history and how she's hit rock bottom several times.  Just when she thinks it's getting better, here comes Sean Waltman.  As long as Waltman is around, she'll never able to truly get back on track and move on with her life.  That chapter needs closure.
Here comes Sean Waltman and Madusa.  Laurer needs to quit whining and go crawl back in the bottle somewhere like the loser she is.  Just a vicious "shoot style" segment with Madusa and Waltman totally tearing into Laurer.  She just remains silent and says nothing.  Madusa gets into Laurer's face and just slaps her.  Laurer says nothing and appears to be holding back her anger.  Meanie, watching all this says that it's enough.  Waltman tells Meanie to shove off and pushes him to the mat.  Meanie rolls to the floor and gets a chair as Waltman and Madusa continue to verbally assault Laurer who continues to say nothing and just take it, but we can see tears forming in her eyes.  Meanie's back with the chair and whams Waltman with it, sending him to the floor.  Madusa quickly bails as well as Meanie chases them from the ring, swinging the chair wildly. 
Laurer has fallen to her knees, sobbing as The Meanie checks on her and we go to commercial.
We come back and see clips that, during the break, Meanie consoles the distraught Laurer in the back and tries to give her encouragement.  She can't let Waltman and Madusa keep getting to her.  She needs to fight back.  They go into the dressing room to talk.
We go backstage and Michael P.S. Hayes is talking to the NWA World Tag Team Champions, KRONIK.  They put over their title defense against Buff & Douglas coming up later tonight and say that it's going to be "high times" for Buff & The Franchise.  We see clips of Kronik defeating the Outsiders to win the titles.  Adams comments that they know that Hall & Nash weren't 100% - but that's the thing about being a champion.  It happens.  Whenever Hall & Nash are ready for the rematch, it's on. They respect the Outsiders, but they'll learn, just like everyone else, that it's all about Kronik!
We see clips of the "new Horsemen" at the Bad Moon Rising PPV beating down Barry Windham and kicking him out of the group.
We go to ring announcer David Penzer and the next match.
Don't even look for moves here - it's a brawl with fists and kicks flying everywhere.  Barry takes early control over Arn and levels him with a slam and a clothesline.  Arn bails to the floor to talk to Woman and Jackie as we go to commercial.
We come back and Arn has Barry trapped in a chinlock.  We see a clip of during the break as Miss Jackie provided a distraction and Arn took advantage to clip Windham in the gut to take the adavantage.  O'Haire tags in and we see lots of doubleteaming by the Horsemen.  Windham fights back and ducks a clothesline from O'Haire before nailing him with a flying forearm.  Hot tag to Blackjack Mulligan and Daddy Mulligan is fired up.  Fists and punches to everyone.  A slam to Arn and Mulligan locks in the claw. Windham nails O'Haire and the ref is in position.  Woman is up on the apron and the ref goes to get her down.  Miss Jackie is in and kicks Blackjack in the groin.  Mulligan is down and Arn covers, using the ropes for leverage to get a three count and steal the win.
Winners:  ARN ANDERSON & SEAN O'HAIRE (with Woman, Miss Jackie) - THE HORSEMEN
We come back and Rich Landrum announces that Blue Meanie and Joanie Laurer have asked Commissioner Harley Race for a match tonight against Madusa and Sean Waltman and he's agreed.  So that's coming up later tonight. 
We go to Michael Hayes who's standing by with NWA Women's Champion Sherri Martel.  Sherri is just in a great mood and wants to thank all her fans for their support and love.  She'll be their champion for a long time to come.  VADER comes over and interupts.  He tells Sherri to move her ass!  Sherri wisely decides to leave.  Vader goes on a rant!  Tonight, it's Sting and Vader gets another shot at reclaiming his NWA World Championship.  Sting's been lucky!  Vader hasn't been mad yet!  Now, he's mad!  Sting is getting hurt... and the title is coming back to Vader!
Cut to the ring and David Penzer introduces the challengers for the next match.  Its for the NWA World Tag Team Titles and it's next!
Kronik starts off strong as Clark just levels both Douglas and Buff with clotheslines and shoulders.  Adams tags in and has just as much success as Douglas and Buff just can't seem to get going.  Finally, Douglas manages to hit a jawbreaker on Adams and the "Stuffed Franchise" team takes control.  They're working on the neck and back of Adams with lots of quick tags and double-teaming.  Adams hits a DDT on Buff from out of nowhere and crawls to his corner to make the hot tag to Clark.  Clark unleashes the full power of Kronik on both men and slaps down Douglas with a full power slam.  Suplex on Bagwell and he rolls to the floor.  Adams tags in and it's "High TImes" for Douglas.  Adams covers and gets the pin.
Winners and still champions:  KRONIK
We go backstage where Michael P.S. Hayes is standing by with the World Champion, Sting.  Sting is tired of this song and dance with Vader and is ready to move on to other challengers.  Here is NWA Women's Champion Sherri Martel.  She asks if Sting saw how Vader disrespected her earlier.  She wants to be in Sting's corner during his match against Vader tonight.  Sting brings up that Sherri is not the most trustworthy person in the world.  She gives her word as a champion that she's sincere - she just wants Vader to pay for disrespecting her.  Sting says he'll think about it.
Back to David Penzer..
Madusa and Waltman are all laughs and smiles as they enter the ring. Laurer seems very reluctant and upset as Meanie leads her towards the ring, constantly talking to and reassuring her.  Meanie starts off with Waltman and manages to keep the former X-Pac on the defensive as Meanie unloads with kicks, punches and a facebuster.  He tries to tag Laurer in, but she just stands there, watching.  Waltman kicks Meanie low and tags in Madusa who slaps Meanie and nails him with a superkick. Madusa gets two. Waltman tags back in and hits a leg lariat and clothesline on the Meanie.  Meanie fights back and scores with a DDT on Waltman.  He tags in Laurer who climbs into the ring, looks at the fallen Waltman and then just walks out to the floor before heading towards the back.  Meanie tries to stop her, but she just pushes him away.  Madusa catches Meanie from behind wth a kick to the back of the head. She rolls Meanie into the ring and Waltman hits the X-Factor for the pin.
Laurer is watching from the rampway before turning and heading into the back.  Madusa and Waltman stand over the fallen Meanie and make out in the center of the ring as we go to commercial.
We're back and we see a battered Meanie confronting Laurer. What happened?  Why did you bail on me?  Laurer doens't have any excuses and is just crying and walks off from Meanie, telling him to leave her alone.
Back to David Penzer and the next match - the main event.
STING (c) versus VADER
Vader comes out first. Sting gets introduced and stops at the bottom of the ramp.  He waves to the back and here comes the NWA Women's Champion, Sherri Martel to be in his corner.  She comes down and mouths off to Vader as the ref calls for the bell.
Back and forth action by both men as they seem determined to end it once and for all. Vader goes crashing into the corner. Sting goes for the stinger splash,but miscalculates as Vader drops down and Sting flies over the ropes and to the floor. Sherri checks on Stng as we go to commercial.
We come back and Vader is working over Sting in the corner with fists and clothelsines.  He tries several times for a pin, but Sting keeps getting the shoulder up at 2 - breaking the counts.  Vader is getting frustrated and slams Sting to the mat.  He's going up for moonsault.  Sting rolls and Vader crashes hard to the mat. Both men are down.  The ref counts and we get both men up around the nine-count and the fists are flying.  The ref gets too close and gets nailed by an elbow.  The ref is down.  Sting manages to catch Vader with a big splash in the corner and a DDT.  Sting covers, but the ref is still down.  Sherri climbs to the top and flies, but Sting moves at the last second and Sherri crashes down on Vader instead of her intended target.  Stng rolls Sherri out of the ring and locks the Scorpion Deathlock on Vader as the ref pulls himself together.  Vader fights for a bit, but has no choice and finally taps.
Winner and still Champion:  STING
We're out of time as Landrum and Sanders thank us for watching. See you next week on NWA W.A.R.  
The end...

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