NWA Danger Zone Wrestling
December 18, 2005
General Motors Place
Vancouver, British Columbia
Disclaimer: It's pure fantasy folks - and that's all the people need to know!
We open up with announcers Tony Schiavone & Dutch Mantell welcoming us to the show. We go to the ring where "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase standing in the middle of the ring. It's time for "The Money Pit" and Ted's guest is none other than former ECW World Champion - The Sandman. Sandman is enraged at how the interference of Buff Bagwell cost him an "Immunity match" against Shane Douglas a few days ago on W.A.R. Sandman wants both Douglas and Bagwell... NOW! Here comes NWA Commissioner Harley Race. He tells Sandman to calm down. Tonight, Buff is wrestling "Nasty Boy" Brian Knobbs in an "Immunity Match" so he possibly won't have to be a part of the "Pink Slip" battle royal at the PPV. If Buff loses, he goes into the battle royal and may end up fired from the NWA. If he wins tonight, he won't be in the battle royal and Sandman can pick a partner and face Douglas and Bagwell in a tag team match. Sandman clairifes - if Buff wins tonight, I get him and Douglas in a tag match at the PPV? Race says yes. Sandman likes that idea as we go to a commercial.
Cue David Penzer at ringside for the first match..
Valiant comes in wide open and immediately attacks the big cowboy with fists and elbows. A big slam by Valiant and he goes for a big knee to the head. Mulligan moves and Valiant crashes and burns. Mulligan unloads several lefts on Valiant and uses a big slam. Mulligan tosses Valiant to the floor and follows. Valiant grabs a chair and cracks Mulligan across the head, opening up the big Texan. Mulligan is stunned, but gets an incensed look on his face as he feels the blood running down his head. Valiant throws some punches, but Mulligan isn't feeling anything. Several punches by Mulligan and he locks in the claw. Valiant tries to fight out, but to no avail and he quickly goes down. The referee counts and Mulligan gets the pin.
Winner: Blackjack Mulligan
Blackjack gets immunity from the pink slip battle royal and gets his arm raised in voctory as the referee checks on Valiant.
We go to the back and see Joanie Laurer talking to the NWA Women's Champion, Lisa "Ivory" Moretti. Lisa is giving Laurer a pep talk because tonight, they have a match against Luna & Sherri Martel. Lisa needs for Laurer to have her head in the match or else they don't stand a chance. Laurer assures Lisa that she's ready for the match and it'll be a warm up for what she has planned for Madusa and Waltman at the PPV. Laurer walks off and Lisa doesn't look too reassured at Laurer's comments and attitude.
We come back and Buff Bagwell is in the back with Shane Douglas getting a last minute pep-talk. Douglas tells Buff to focus on Knobbs and winning his match so he doesn't have to go to the Battle Royal and risk being fired. Douglas has his back tonight, and if they have to fight Sandman in a match at the PPV, it's no big deal. They're former World Tag Team Champs and Sandman is nothing but a drunk idiot. Buff seems confident and heads to the ring. Douglas watches him walk off and we see Douglas turn and head into a dressing room. We hear a big "crash" as the door closes and a big thud. We see Sandman step out of the dressing room, holding a singapore cane and smiling.
Cue David Penzer..
Buff comes to the ring, unaware of what just happened to his partner. Knobbs attacks almost immediately and pummels Bagwell with fists and kicks. Buff fights back with elbows and scores with a neckbreaker. Kicks by Bagwell and he goes to the top. Hart is up and pushes Bagwell off the top, sending him crashing to the mat. Knobbs hits several kicks and stomps and goes up for the big elbow from the top. Jimmy Hart is arguing with the referee. The Sandman is out and levels Knobbs with his Singapore Cane to the head - sending Knobbs hard to the mat. Bagwell crawls on top and the ref counts three.
Winner: Buff Bagwell
Buff is estatic as the referee raises his hand in victory until he looks over to the outside of the ring and sees The Sandman standing there, smiling. Sandman enters the ring and goes after Bagwell with the cane, but Bagwell escapes to the floor and through the crowd. So Sandman cracks Brian Knobbs across the head once more and takes a swing at Jimmy Hart before raising his arms in victory to the crowd.
We come back and Luna Vachon & Sherri Martel are in the back talking. We see them approached by Madusa who wants to talk to the ladies. They walk off talking.
We pan over to Missy Hyatt who is with The Sandman. It looks like since Bagwell won the Immunity Match - he's going to have to face Sandman at the PPV in a tag team match. Douglas & Bagwell may be a good team, but Sandman doesn't care. He has a partner lined up and it's time to kick some major ass. Missy asks who the partner is? Sandman smiles and says "Yoshihiro Tajiri" - laughing as he walks off.
We go back to Schiavione who confirms that just added to the Seasons Beatings PPV - it will be Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell teaming up to take on The Sandman & Yoshihiro Tajiri.
It's time to head to the ring again with David Penzer...
It's total carnage from the get go as Clark & Adams just run over the Meanie and Gibson. Schiavone and Mantell talk about the Fatal 4-Way tag match coming up at the PPV and how Kronik will have a chance to regain the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Clark runs over Meanie with several clotheslines and tags in Adams who hits a running powerslam. Adams locks in the "Kona Krush" manuever and Meanie taps out quickly. Gibson never even made it into the match.
We come back and Michael P.S. Hayes is standing by with the Horsemen, Arn Anderson, Sean O'Haire, Mark Copani, Charlie Haas, Woman, & Miss Jackie. What about Kronik's impressive win earlier? O'Haire and Haas put over Kronik as a tough team against nobodies - but wait until Sunday against the Horsemen. It won't be so easy. The Horsemen already put Kevin Nash out of action and the best Hall could find as a replacement is Stevie Richards? Maybe Richards can censor people or be part of the bWo, but he's not in the Horsemen's league. As far as Rotundo & Windham go, it's not 1984 anymore. Sunday will be the Horsemen's day to shine. Anderson switches gears to Mike Awesome - he's big and bad and crazy. But Arn's "The Enforcer" and that makes all the difference. Copani does a brief rant about the Iron Sheik and how his career will end in the cage on Sunday. And Woman closes the interview by telling Hayes not to miss the party after the PPV - it will be a first class night to remember - Horseman style!
We see Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert annoying NWA Commissioner Harley Race. They want Race's assurance that if they beat Scott Hall & Stevie Richards tonight, they get their spot back in the Fatal 4-Way match for the tag team titles. Race agrees. But if they lose - they go to the Pink Slip Battle Royal and might be fired. Race wishes them good luck as Rich & Gilbert storm off.
Cue David Penzer...
Luna and Sherri attack at the bell and immediately toss Lisa to the floor, choosing to focus on Chyna. Chyna is just too strong and keeps tossing them off and around. Boot by Laurer as she levels Luna. Ivory is back in and she tosses Sherri to the floor. She follows her out and slams Sherri into the ringpost. Luarer is toying with Luna in the ring and hits a big backbreaker. She tosses her into the corner and hits the handspring elbow. Here comes Madusa & Sean Waltman storming the ring. They go after Laurer and Madusa levels her with a big kick. X-Factor by Waltman on Laurer as Madusa kicks Ivory in the head and sends her back to the floor. The ref is ringing the bell and has thrown this match out.
Official Decision: NO CONTEST
Waltman & Madusa are standing over Laurer and taunting her when the lights start to flash. The lights go out and DX music starts playing over the soundsystem. The lights come back on and Laurer is gone from the ring. But where she was laying is a sledgehammer. Waltman and Madusa see this and start to freak - and quickly head to the back as we go to commercial..
We see a shot of members of the band Lynyrd Skynyrd in the audience.
Cut to the back and we see Waltman and Madusa wirth their bags - trying to leave the arena. Harley Race is there to stop them. They can't leave yet! Waltman has a match tonight. Waltman says screw the match - they're gone. Race just smiles and says that's fine - then both of them are FIRED!... This stops Waltman and he turns around. Race assures him that he's safe for tonight. At the PPV on Tuesday, it might be another story though. Now he needs to get his ass to the ring for his match... or else. Waltman mumbles a few curse words to Race under his breath as he heads to the ring.
We go now to Rich Landrum and the NWA Seasons Beatings PPV Control Center. NWA Seasons Beatings will be on December 20, 2005 on PPV and will be coming from The Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Here are the matches signed so far for the big event.
NWA World Championship
Sting (c) versus Christian Cage
Cage Match
The Iron Sheik versus Mark Copani
Mixed Tag Team Match
Madusa & Sean "X-Pac" Waltman versus Joanie Laurer & "Paul"
Fatal 4-Way for the NWA World Tag Team Championship
Sean O'Haire & Charlie Haas (c) versus Kronik versus Mike Rotundo & Barry Windham versus Scott Hall & Stevie Richards
Scott Steiner (with Midajah) versus Vader
Masked Superstar versus Vampiro - If Superstar wins, he gets five minutes with Jim Cornette..
NWA North American Championship
Arn Anderson (c) versus Mike Awesome
The Sandman & Yoshihiro Tajiri versus Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell
Pink Slip Battle Royal - The First Eight Men eliminated will be fired from the NWA... The winner will get a shot at the NWA World Championship.
Landrum plugs the PPV once more and we go to commercial...
Cue David Penzer..
SEAN "X-PAC" WALTMAN versus LENNY LANE (with Lodi)
A quick match with lots of great action. Waltman is distracted and keeps looking to the back and Lane keeps taking advantage with several quick two counts. Back and forth it goes and finally, Waltman hits a facebuster. It's Bronco Buster time in the corner and Waltman covers to get the pin.
Winner: Sean "X-Pac" Waltman
As Madusa raises Waltman's hand in victory, the lights flash again and we hear the sounds of Motorhead as the theme of Triple H echoes throughout the arena. Waltman grabs Madusa by the arm and again they flee through the crowd as we go to commercial.
We come back and NWA Commissioner is standing with Harley Race. He has one more match to announce for the PPV as well as the names of the wrestlers that will be involved in the Pink Slip Battle Royal. Since they won their immunity matches for the battle royal - Disco Inferno & Bobby Eaton will be teaming up to take on the team of Blackjack Mulligan and Greg Valentine. Valentine didn't win an immunity match, but he did beat Race in a hand of poker last night so he's out of the Battle Royal too!
And the big news - these guys better update their resume because they will be participating in the first ever "Pink Slip Battle Royal" and the first 8 men eliminated will be fired from the NWA: Lenny Lane, Lodi, Ron Simmons, Butch Reed, Doug Gilbert, Tommy Rich, Honky Tonk Man, Kendall Windham, Blue Meanie, Robert Gibson, Jimmy Valiant, Stan Lane, Brian Knobbs, Brutus Beefcake, The Great Muta, Jimmy Hart & Alex Wright. Race notes that Rich & Gilbert can avoid the Battle Royal if they beat Stevie Richards & Scott Hall in the main event. If that happens, Hall & Richards will take their spots in the Pink Slip Battle Royal.
As Race concludes speaking, we cut to the back and see a group of wrestlers gathered around the moniter, watching and listening. The looks on some of the faces tells it all as they realize that they may be losing their jobs in a couple of days.
We come back and it's time for the main event. Cue David Penzer...
Rich takes the early advantage by attacking Richards at the bell with a big knee and a slam to the mat. Punches and a suplex and Tommy gets two. Gilbert tags in and they double-team the President of Stevie-Co. and work him over in the corner. Stevie fights out with elbows and punches and manages to tag in Hall. Hall unload on both Gilbert & Rich with clotheslines and a neckbreaker to Gilbert. Stevie is back in and scores with a suplex for two on Gilbert. Hall & Stevie illegally switch as the referee argues with Rich and Hall gives Gilbert a backbreaker. Stevie is back in and they double-team Gilbert. Gilbert pushes Stevie back into the corner and Rich tags in, nailing Stevie with several punches. Rich hits the hot-shot for two as Stevie just barely kicks out. Slam by Rich and he hits the Thesz-press for another two as Hall breaks it up. Gilbert tags in and they double-team Stevie who ducks a double-clothesline and nails Gilbert with a Stevie-kick. Another kick sends Rich to the floor and Stevie hot-tags Hall. Scott scores with a clothesline and a slam and signals for the Razor's Edge. Gilbert tries to run, but gets nailed by another Stevie-kick from the outside of the ring. Hall picks up Gilbert and smashes him to the mat with the Razors Edge. Hall covers as Stevie clotheslines Rich. The ref counts three and Hall & Richards are the winners.
Winners: Stevie Richards & Scott Hall.
Schiavine and Mantel plug the upcoming PPV - Seasons Beatings coming up on Tuesday night. They're out of time. See you next week!
The end!
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