August 6, 2006
Sturgis, South Dakota
Sturgis Bike Rally
Pyro explodes and smoke fills the air as Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko and Rich Landrum welcome the fans to WCW Road Wild. Thousands of bikers gun their engines and roar as music hits and here comes WCW Owner Eric Bischoff, along with his "son", Nick Hogan, to the ring. Eric and Nick are dressed identically in biker leather and Zbyszko makes a "cloning machine malfunction" joke. Eric is all smiles as he and Nick get the mic. Welcome to Road Wild and WCW. He knows that the fans are ready for action, so he'll make this short and sweet.
There will be a lot of great action tonight in this ring. But he wants to talk about tomorrow night and WCW Monday Nitro. The rumors are all over the place that Hulk Hogan, Nick's "former father", will be coming to WCW Monday Nitro tomorrow night. Eric has a message for Hulk. Don't show up. If he values his career, and his family.. stay away. Eric has already taken his son, Nick. So, who's next? Maybe Brooke.... or even Linda Hogan. Eric mentions that Linda is an attractive woman and maybe she'd like to be "Mrs. Bischoff"...
Music hits! "Can you smell.............what the Rock is cooking!" The sounds of Harleys roaring their approval fill the air as Dwayne Johnson, aka "The Rock" comes down to the ring. Eric and Nick are all smiles as they welcome The Rock back to WCW. Rock looks at Eric and then at Nick and compares them to "Dr. Evil" and "Mini-Me" and asks if they're father and son or two lovers just in from an S&M convention. Eric's smile fades as he demands to know what "The Rock" wants in his ring and here at Road Wild? Rock mentions how he was supposed to be at the last WCW PPV, "Beach Blast", but an injury and a tight schedule making his next movie, prevented that. He was in Hollywood when he realized that he had the weekend off from filming and that WCW was here in Sturgis, so he owed it to his fans, the WCW fans, to get on a plane and hustle down here to Road Wild.
Rock continues to talk and in a matter of just a few minutes, manages to make jokes and comments about Bischoff again, the Horsemen, Jeff Jarrett, Brock, Soce, Adam Copeland & Juvi. The fans are popping like crazy for every move and every soundbite the "Great One" makes. Eric listens for a bit and then interupts... he's heard enough. He's tired of the insults, so he wants the Rock to get out of his ring. Rock just smiles - if Eric wants him to leave, make him! Eric lowers the mic and argues with the Rock for a moment and we see Rock whisper something to Eric.
Eric is livid and takes a swing at "The Great One" - only to be caught and hoisted high with a "Rock Bottom". Rock points at Nick Hogan who is in the corner and tells him to stay back "or else" and then, it's time for "The People's Elbow" as the Rock applies it to Eric Bischoff. Referees and WCW officials come to the ring to check on Eric as The Rock celebrates and waves to the crowd.
We see a video promo - coming on Friday, August 25th on national TV, it's the return of WCW Clash of the Champions..
We go backstage and Terri Runnels is standing by with Evan Karagias. He's fighting his former mentor, Jimmy Valiant, in a New York Street Fight tonight. What are his thoughts? Karagias talks about how Valiant is a legend in these kind of matches. His street fights against the likes of Paul Jones, Ivan Koloff, Kabuki, etc... are still talked about today. But Evan says that Valiant is not who he was. He used to be a "legend". He used to be "Handsome Jimmy - the boy from New York City". But he's bitter now. And spiteful. And a shadow of what he was. And Evan vows that Valiant will pay for using him and then turning on him... when Evan beats him at his own game tonight.
We go to David Penzer for the first match.
Chaos and mayhem ensues as Karagias tries to wrestle Valiant, but constantly gets clawed in the eyes, hair-pulled or choked for his efforts. Karagias finally snaps and just unloads on Valiant, pounding away at the older man in the corner. Evan goes to the floor and under the ring. He's got plunder. Evan tosses a trash can and some signs into the ring. More chaos ensues as Valiant and Karagias attempt to destroy each other with shots from the various weapons. Karagias finally manages to incapacitate Valiant and scores with a Shining Wizard kick to the head. He covers for two, but gets up before referee Brent Robinson can count three. Karagias goes back outside and gets a table from under the ring. He brings it into the ring and sets it up in the center of the ring, laying Valiant on top of the table. Evan goes to the top rope, but before he can fly, here comes Vampiro and Ethan Storm to the ring. Vampiro trips up Evan as Ethan pulls Valiant off the table. Storm and Vampiro beat down Karagias as the referee tries to restore order.
Zbyszko reminds everyone that this is a street fight, so it's no dq. Valiant is back up and directs traffic. Storm has his brass-knucks out and levels Karagias before placing him on top of the table. Evan is busted open and bleeding badly. Vampiro goes to the top rope and does a moonsault, crashing down hard across Karagias, sending him barreling through the table. As Vampiro rolls away from Karagias's broken and unmoving body, Valiant moves in and covers. The referee counts the pin and Jimmy Valiant is the winner.
Valiant, Storm & Vampiro celebrate in the ring as we go backstage.
Bob Caudle is standing by with JEFF HARDY & "THE BAD GUY" SCOTT HALL.
Hardy speaks first as he talks about how Adam Copeland is a piece of crap and a parasite. He ruined the life of Jeff's brother and now, he's come to WCW to attempt to do the same thing to Jeff. Well, Jeff wants Adam to realize that there is a common trait among Hardy's.. they will not die! And Jeff vows to beat the holy hell out of Copeland tonight. And if Amy wants to get involved, she'll get some too!
Hall speaks next. He's fighting "The World's Most Dangerous Man" tonight. He should be scared, right? He should be frightened, right? He should at least be nervous? Nope! He's not! He's ready to show Puder and that weasely little manager Soce, why he is wrestling's original "Bad Guy". So whatever they got, don't sing it - just bring it! He's ready for them, but the question is.. are they ready for him? "I don't think so, Chico!" Scott tosses a toothpick at the camera as we go back to the ring and David Penzer for the next match.
We see video from earlier as Brock Lesnar "hit and run" attacks Rene Dupree, laying him out on the "Main Event". Rene has been removed from the handicap match coming up now!
Landrum & Zbyszko talk about the strategy that Brock used to eliminate one of his opponents before the match even started, thus improving his odds. Zbyszko calls it "a great move in the game of human chess!" Conway and Sanders quickly go after Brock and use their numbers advantage to double-team and work over the bigger man. Brock takes a beating for a while and then finally explodes as he levels Rob with a clothesline and sends him flying over the top rope to the floor. Sanders tries to nail Brock from behind, but Brock ducks and scoops Sanders up. F-5 on Sanders by Lesnar and he covers as referee Hage Patel counts three.
We go backstage now and Terri Runnels is with Daniel Puder and his manager, Soce the Elemental Wizard. Terri mentions that it hasn't been a good night so fat for the Elementalz - especially with Morrus & Abbott losing the WCW Tag Team Titles to Marty Jannetty and Kanyon. Now, Puder is preparing to face Scott Hall. Their thoughts? Soce says that title change was a conspiracy and rip-off. DDP pulled out the referee and interferred repeatedly and they're not going to stand for it! Soce has already scheduled a meeting with Eric Bischoff for tomorrow before Nitro and he expects the decision to be overturned and the titles returned to Hugh and Tank.
Puder talks now! What happened earlier was scandalous. But what happen next will be just plain brutal. Scott Hall is a legend in this sport! He's a former U.S. Champion, a TV Champion, a several time Tag Team Champion, the Intercontinental Champion.... Hall has done all there is to do... except for beat "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Daniel Puder. Puder hopes that Hall has talked to Eric Angle and Goldberg. Where are they now? On the shelf because they stepped into the ring with him. If Hall's not careful, he'll be next! Change that! No matter how careful Scott is.. or how "bad" he thinks he is, it's going to happen.... Puder has two words for him... he's next!
We go to David Penzer for the next match.
Lots of great back and forth action as the Horsemen seem focused on getting hold of Jeff Jarrett while Jeff seems more focused on letting Steiner and Boker handle the action as he tries to pick his spots and stay away from the Horsemen and especially Blancard. Booker's frustration at his "partner's" reluctance to wrestle is extremely obvious as even Schiavone notes it. The action gets brutal at times and after being on the end of a stiff forearm shot from Luger, we see Booker slap/tag Jarrett in. Jarrett is reluctant to get into the ring and Booker grabs him, flipping him into the ring and into the arms of the waiting Luger. Lex pounds away at Jeff as Booker and Sharmell go to the floor. They've had enough and start walking to the back. Steiner starts to go after them, but Windham catches him with a brutal bulldog from behind on the floor. In the ring, Luger and Tully are double-teaming Jarrett. Woman gets in a couple of slaps from the outside for good measure. Tully hits the slingshot suplex and covers to get the pin.
Backstage, we see WCW Women's Champion Ivory stretching out for her match against Luna. Here is Amy Dumas. She tells Ivory she's looking good and it's been a long time since they've seen each other. Amy brings up some of their matches in the past and suggests that maybe she'd like a shot at Ivory's WCW Women's title... if Ivory makes it past Luna tonight. Ivory tells Lita that she will beat Luna tonight - don't ever doubt that - and if Amy wants a shot at her title, that's fine! They can do it on Nitro tomorrow night. Any says that's fine and wishes Ivory good luck! Ivory watches as Amy walks off and then grabs her belt. She's headed towards the ring.
We see a video package emphasizing the brutality that Luna's been showing while she's been destroying her opponents very quickly as of late. We come back and hear a high pitched scream as Luna comes down towards the ring. We go to Penzer for the next match..
Luna is all over Ivory at the bell, just beating her across the back and neck and tossing her around like a rag doll. The announcers speculate that this might end quickly as Luna gets a two-count on Ivory. Ivory continues to take the beating and Luna is choking her on the ropes. The referee forces Luna back and Ivory catches her with a thrust to the throat. Punches and kicks by Ivory, but that quickly ends as Luna rips at the eyes. Luna is like an animal as she claws and pounds away at Ivory, ripping away at her face. Luna sets up Ivory for abig DDT, but Ivory pushes her off and tucks down for an inside cradle. Ivory holds on to the tights as the referee counts three.
Winner and still champion: IVORY
As Ivory quickly rolls out of the ring to grab her belt and celebrate, we see Luna become even more incensed as she shreiks and hollers at referee Russ Cherico. Russ warms her to calm down and we see Luna kick the referee low and then apply a big DDT to the ring official. Luna kicks and stomps at the fallen official before letting out a big sceam of anguish and leaving the ring.
We go backstage and see Eric Bischoff in his office. He's complaining to Nick Hogan about the way the Rock "attacked him" and is still speculating why Hulk Hogan is coming to Nitro tomorrow night. Does Nick know? Nick is evasive as he changes the subject to how brutal that last match was. Luna is a crazy woman. Eric agrees, but wants to know what Nick knows? He knows that Nick has been talking regularly to his sister, Brooke and wants to know what he knows. Why is Hulk coming to Nitro! Nick explains that he talks to Brooke because she's his sister, and he misses her. But they don't talk about Da... Hulk. He has no idea why his "former Dad" is coming to Nitro. Eric says OK. He understands! Eric gives his "son" a hug as we go back to the ring.
We see a video recap of the history between WCW TV Champion Rico, his manager Soce the Elemental Wizard, and Mike Youngblood.
We go backstage and see Soce talking to Rico. Rico is preparing to go to the ring and he wants to know if he can count on Soce. He heard about the earlier conversation between Soce and Youngblood and knows that Youngblood wants Soce to join him. Soce assures Rico that he's there for him and that TV title. Rico tells Soce that he'd feel better if Soce stayed in the back for the match. Rico doesn't want two opponents - one is more than enough. Soce asks Rico how he can prove his loyalty to the Elementalz if they won't give him a chance. Rico mentions that Hugh & Abbott gave him a chance and they lost the World Tag Team Titles. Soce is taken aback by this accusation and wants to know what Rico is implying. Rico says that he knows that the tag title change wasn't Soce's fault, but he's the manager. He should have been more prepared for DDP... and might have been if he wasn't running around with that punk, Youngblood. Soce tells Rico that they'll talk about it later - it's time for the match. Rico tells Soce that he's going out there alone! Rico grabs his TV title belt and walks off, leaving Soce standing there.
We go back to the ring and David Penzer for the next match...
Rico and Youngblood quickly start trading chops and fists. Rico uses the martial arts kicks to take the advantage and works over Youngblood in the corner. Youngblood fights back with chops and a sick headbutt that busts Rico open. More chops by Youngblood and a big suplex for two as Rico gets a foot on the ropes. Youngblood with more chops and a big slam. Big elbow from the top by Youngblood and he covers for the pin. Referee Jason Haywood starts to count, but he's distracted by Soce who has come out and climbed on the ring apron.
Youngblood wants to know what Soce is doing out there - he just messed up his pin attempt. Soce tells Youngblood that he's there for him - he's made his choice. Youngblood is jawing with Soce and Rico comes from behind and rolls up Youngblood for two. Youngblood with more chops and a big DDT. The referee is bumped and goes down in the action. Soce is quickly up and in the ring with a chair. He points out that the referee is down and tells Youngblood that he wants to prove his loyalty. He has Youngblood pick up Rico and hold him. Soce rears back with the chair and swerves, busting Youngblood across the head. As Youngblood goes down, Soce drags Rico and places him on top of Youngblood. Soce then goes and rouses the referee, dragging him into position. The referee counts three and Rico is the winner and still champion.
Winner and still champion: RICO w/ soce the elemental wizard
Rico and Soce look at each other and embrace in a big hug as the referee checks on the fallen and bloody Youngblood. Soce raises Rico's arm in victory!
We go backstage and Terri Runnels is standing by with Adam Copeland and Amy Dumas. Copeland talks about the history between himself and the Hardy's. They used to be close, but Adam realized that Jeff and Matt were losers and babies! He's a man who does what he wants and takes what he wants... Amy. Adam & Amy kiss and Adam says that he's already crushed one Hardy... and that was the smart one. Jeff is a delusional little moron and he'll be crushed and destroyed... just like his big brother was....
We go back to the ring and Brian Adams is standing in the ring with a mic. He's here to address the "fake Sting" issue. He tried earlier on "The Main Event", but Biff Bagwell decided to come out and interupt! Well, he has news for Buff. Tomorrow night, on Nitro, Buff will learn what it's like to face, not the gentle, sweet announcer, Brian Adams, but the man who was known as Kona Crush! Adams says that it's been a while but Buff will just have to learn that it's all about Kroni.... oops! Force of habit! It's all about Brian Adams - aka Crush!
And now, back to the original reason he's out there. We see a video recap of the various appearances of "Sting" since the "Beach Blast" PPV, often appearing in the rafters, but never saying a word. Adams mentions how he's close to Steve Borden and considers him a close friend... and he knew right away that this man in the black trench-coat and white mask was not the real "Sting"... So Adams did some research. He checked travel schedules, hotel reseverations, and so many other things that he often thought his head would fall off. And he knows who the fake Sting is... And he's calling out the imposter right now to explain himself or else Adams will reveal the imposters identity right now in front of millions of PPV viewers..
Smoke starts to fill the ring and we see a figure drop from the rafters to the middle of the ring. It's the fake "Sting"... The figure in the white Sting mask unhooks himself and stares at Adams, clutching a baseball bat in hand. Adams doesn't look impressed. He mentions how the imposter has the tricks down pat, but it's time to come clean and reveal himself to the world. The masked figure doesn't say anything and Adams tells him that he can remove the mask now or Adams will take it off him. The masked man still says nothing so Adams moves towards him and the figure backs away.
More smoke fills the ring. Adams says, "What, this again! More special effects?" A figure appears in the smoke behind Adams who is still distracted by the imposter Sting and hasn't noticed. The new figure attacks Adams from behind with a bat and slams him across the back. The two "Stings" stomp and beat on the fallen Adams. The first imposter Sting and the second Sting, who just appeared, look at each other and they remove the masks. It's Buff Bagwell and Scotty Riggs. "What the hell!",exclaims Schiavone at ringside as the reunited former American Males, both dressed as Sting stomp and kick away at the downed Brian Adams.
Lights flash and the smoke starts to fill the ring again. Buff & Riggs don't pay it any attention and continue to beat down Adams some more. There's another figure in the smoke.. It's the real Sting! Sting goes after Riggs & Buff and throws punches and kicks, driving the two men from the ring. Bagwell & Riggs flee the ring as Sting checks on the fallen Adams.
We go backstage and Bob Caudle is standing by with The Giant and Joel Gertner. Giant is all smiles. He plans to leave Sturgis as the WCW World Champion tonight and there is not a thing that anyone can do to stop him. He calls Sean O'Haire a joke and vows to not only beat him to win the title, but to do it in less than 5 minutes! Why? Because he's 500lbs and 7 feet tall and he can! Gertner and Giant walk off.
We see a video recap of the recent problems between the two newest Nitro girls, Joy Giovanni and Carmella DeCesare. We go to David Penzer.
Lock up and both ladies are quickly rolling around the ring. Catfight! Carmella is the first to lose her pants as Joy manages to rip them off with a quick motion. Carmella catches Joy with a stiff kick to the gut and rips off Joy's shirt! Suddenly, here comes Luna Vachon from the back. The crazed Luna is still upset from her earlier loss to Ivory and attacks both Carmella & Joy. The referee calls for the bell and throws the match out.
Official Decision: NO CONTEST
Luna continues her attack and ends up laying out Carmella, Joy and referee Hage Patel before letting out a loud shreik of anguish and heading back out of the ring towards the back.
As other referees and WCW officials tend to the fallen Diva's in the ring, we see Luna come backstage. She is tossing things and attacks a stagehand that gets too close, sending him barreling into a wall. Here is WCW Owner Eric Bischoff with some security guards. He snaps at Luna and tells her to calm down now or he'll suspend her! He knows that she's upset, but she needs to get over it! Luna glares at Bischoff as he informs her that he's having her escorted from the building "for her own good" before she causes any more problems. But before the guards lead Luna away, Eric tells her that tomorrow at Nitro, she'd better be there and have her wrestling gear. Luna lets out a screech as the guards lead her away and Eric watches.
We go now to the Elementalz Locker Room. Soce and Rico are laughing over the swerve they pulled on Youngblood. Morrus and Tank Abbott are there and look dejected. Soce tells them not to worry. They will get their titles back. He promises! Puder walks up! His match against Scott Hall is next. Soce asks if Puder's sure he wants Soce in his corner. Puder punches Soce in the arm and laughs - he's sure! Soce tells Rico and the champs to go warm up the Limo - they won't be long and then it's off to a party with his friends from D12 after the show. Rico laughs as Soce and Puder head towards the ring..
We go to David Penzer....
DANIEL PUDER w/ Soce the Elemental Wizard versus SCOTT HALL
Puder starts off quickly by trying to take down the bigger Hall with a go-behind, but Hall proves that he can wrestle with the best of them as he counters and trips the leg out from under Puder. Several lock-ups and neither man is able to get a definite advantage as both men have done their homework for this match. Hall decides to open up a bit and levels Puder with some chops and punches. Puder responds with a punch and another go-behind as he tries to lock in a rear-choke. Hall escapes by backing Puder into the corner and leveling him with elbows. Back and forth and it just gets more and more brutal as the two men unleash more and more fury and pain in the ring. Soce is at ringside cheering Puder on when from out of nowhere comes Mike Youngblood. He grabs Soce and chops him hard across the chest! Soce falls to the floor. Puder is distracted by the attack on his manager and tries to get to the floor to aid Soce, but Hall nails him from behind and uses a roll-up to get the quick pin. Puder is stunned as his undefeated streak has just ended. Hall quickly rolls out of the ring and raises his arms in victory.
Here comes Rico, Hugh Morrus & Tank Abbott from the back, but they're too late as Youngblood and Hall head out through the crowd to escape. We see the Elementalz check on Soce, who's clutching his chest in pain as we cut to the back.
Another video promo airs - coming on Friday, August 25th - it's the return of the Clash of the Champions...
We go backstage and see Jeff Hardy talking on his cell-phone. He tells the person on the other end of the phone that he's got it covered. He's going to beat Adam Copeland's ass. Jeff says that he has to go - his match is up! "So long Matt!"..
We go now to Terri Runnels who is standing by with Brian Adams and Sting. Sting says that he has been watching the man impersonate him for a while. He doesn't know what Scotty Riggs and Buff Bagwell are up to or why they decided to pretend to be him, but if they wanted his attention, they've got it! Brian Adams has been keeping him informed of everything and they decided to wait until the right time to call out the imposter. That was tonight. The Stinger is back in WCW and he's ready to kick some butt!
Adams starts to speak, but here is Senior Referee Tommy Young. He tells Adams & Sting that he just came from Eric Bischoff's office and Eric has changed the match that Brian has scheduled against Buff tomorrow night on Nitro. Now, it's a tag match with Sting and Brian Adams versus Riggs & Bagwell. Adams smiles and says that's OK with him. "What do you say about that, Stinger?" Sting smiles, "It's showtime folks!"
We go back to the David Penzer for the next match.
A brutal and stiff fight that has neither man concerned with wrestling or winning, but seemingly just wanting to beat the holy hell out of each other. Both men take a tremendous beating. The end comes when Amy tries to get involved after the referee gets bumped to the floor. Amy holds Jeff while Edge attempts a spear. Jeff rolls away and Edge spears Lita by mistake. As Edge checks on Lita, Jeff hits the side-effect. To the top and a swanton by Jeff to get the pin.
We go now to a video package that hypes the Clash of the Champions - coming on August 25th.
We go backstage and Booker T and Sharmell are in their dressing room getting dressed. Here is Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner. Jarrett is blaming Booker for the loss tonight to the Horsemen. Booker tells Jarrett that he only teamed with "you two punk-ass losers" is because he was ordered to by Eric Bischoff. Booker tells Jeff not to blame him that he got his butt handed to him.
Scotty and Jarrett threaten Booker and look ready to jump him, but quickly back up as we see a shadow - the camera pans over and it's Stevie Ray. "Is there a problem here, suckah!", Stevie says? "No... no problem!", Jeff says as he and Steiner quickly leave the dressing room area. Stevie Ray slaps Booker on the back as we go back to ringside.
Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko and Rich Landrum talk about everything that's happened so far tonight at Road Wild. The return of Sting. Scotty Riggs is back and with his partner, Buff Bagwell. The Rock is here! New tag team champions in Jannetty and Kanyon. Puder was beaten by Hall. They recap the night and then Schiavone plugs Nitro for tomorrow - Hulk Hogan returns to WCW. It's now time to go to the ring for the main event.
We go to David Penzer, but before he can say anything, here comes Joel Gertner. Gertner takes the mic from Penzer and says that he'll introduce his wrestlers. Gertner gets in the ring and introduces himself with an innuendo laced promo about bikers, leather and "pearl necklaces". He's the "Quinessential Stud Muffin" Joel Gertner and he introduces the challenger, THE GIANT. Gertner give the mic back to Penzer who introduces the WCW World Champion, Sean O'Haire... And it's time for the match.
SEAN O'HAIRE w/ Dawn Marie versus THE GIANT w/ Joel Gertner
A brutal match that sees the Giant trying to use his size and power to dominate over O'Haire. Sean fights back and levels Giant with a dropkick that sends the Giant reeling. Chops by Sean and a big elbow for two. The Giant with headbutts and some chops in the corner. O'Haire's chest is blood red and the impression of the Giant's handprint is painfully obvious. O'Haire thumbs the eyes and fights back with chops and a flying shoulder. Scoop slam by O'Haire and he covers for two, as Gertner places Giant's foot on the ropes. Sean with more punches and elbows. Superkick attempt by O'Haire, but Giant blocks it and scores with the chokeslam on O'Haire. Cover for two as Dawn Marie interferes this time and places O'Haire's foot on the ropes.
Gertner and O'Haire are arguing on the outside and we see it get physical as Joel gets in Dawn's face and Dawn kicks Gertner in the lower regions. Gertner goes down to his knees. In the ring, Giant and O'Haire are just trading blows back and forth. O'Haire ducks a clothesline attempts and scores with a superkick that sends the Giant back against the ropes. Running clothesline by O'Haire and both men go over the ropes and to the floor. Referee Tommy Young is counting the mandatory ten-count. Dawn Marie is there and she helps O'Haire roll back into the ring. As Sean distracts the referee, Dawn kicks the Giant in the leg before running away. The leg collapses under the Giant's weight and he's unable to beat the referee's count.
Winner by Count-Out and still WCW WORLD CHAMPION: SEAN O'HAIRE w/ Dawn Marie.
We go back to Schiavone, Zbyszko and Landrum who plug Nitro for tomorrow night and Thunder for Thursday. They're out of time now! Good night and thanks for watching WCW Road Wild!..
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