NWA Wrestling All-Star Revue (W.A.R.)
December 16, 2005
The Mecca
Milwaukee, WI
Disclaimer: It's just fantasy folks - no Vince McMahon controlled wrestling here!!!
Announcers Rich Landrum and Mike Sanders welcome us to the show. It's another big night for W.A.R. as we head into the upcoming PPV, Seasons Beatings. NWA Commissioner Harley Race has put together a great card for the PPV. He'll be out in a few minutes with a few more announcements about the show. Also tonight, a big main event of "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson defending the NWA North American Championship against the challenge of Mike Rotundo.
We go to the ring and Michael P.S. Hayes is standing by with the NWA Commissioner Harley Race. Race talks about the PPV - and more specifically the "Pink Slip" Battle Royal. As he mentioned last week, eight men will lose their jobs at the PPV - the first 8 men eliminated. Well, the winner of the battle royal will get a shot at the NWA World Championship. And since Harley is in a good mood tonight, he's going to give some of the wrestlers who might be competing in the battle royal a chance for immunity. Tonight on W.A.R. and later this week on the Danger Zone, there will be several "Immunity matches" where the winners will not have to compete in the "Pink Slip Battle Royal" and risk being fired.. but will instead compete as part of a six man tag match at the PPV. He'll announce the Battle Royal line-up on Sunday on Danger Zone Wrestling - but for tonight, let the immunity matches begin.
Race leaves the ring as we go to ring announcer David Penzer..
Disco is all business tonight - no dancing. HTM tries to get on the mic and talk for a moment, but is nailed by the former "dancing fool" as Disco catches HTM with a big knee and several lefts. HTM fights back with fists and a cheap shot to the throat. Disco is stunned and HTM plays to the crowd, signaling it's time for the "Shake, Rattle & Roll", but as he goes for his finisher, Disco uses a small package to roll up Honky and get the pin.
Disco is now exempt from the Pink Slip Battle Royal. HTM is stunned and complains the referee but to no avail. Disco is estatic and dances for the fans as we go to commercial.
We come back and see Jim Cornette talking to Harley Race. The Midnight Express is too valuable a team to risk either man being fired by something as random as a battle royal. Race agrees that Eaton is a valuable performer and says that Bobby will wrestle tonight in an immunity match. Cornette asks Race "what about Stan?" Race just smirks and says that Lane is annoying, almost as annoying as Cornette - so he can just take his chances in the Battle Royal. And just for the heck of it, Lane can wrestle tonight. He'll be teaming with Cornette's other wrestler - Vampiro... against Sting and Christian Cage. Cornette almost pops a gasket at this announcement. Then Race calms him bysaying that if Lane & Vampiro can win their match, Harley will exempt Lane from the Battle Royal AND will give the Midnight Express a shot at the tag team titles. Cornette seems pacified by this and storms off. Race just watches and smirks.
We go to the ring and David Penzer...
Both men have been away from the NWA rings for a while and Landrum explains that they've both been under NWA contract, but not available due to other committments as of late. Now, they have to fight for the chance to keep those NWA contracts. Sandman makes the long entrance as he comes to the ring as we go to commercial.
We come back and Sandman and Douglas are slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Douglas takes control with a slam and an elbow. Suplex by Douglas and he gets two. Douglas tosses Sandman to the floor and follows, nailing Sandman with some big chops. Douglas tries to put Sandy into the ringpost, but Sandman reverses and Douglas eats steel. Kicks and a powerbomb on the floor by Sandman. He tosses Douglas into the ring and covers, but Douglas gets a foot on the ropes. Sandman clubs away at Douglas and goes for the side-sweep suplex - Douglas manages to grab the ropes and Sandman takes the bulk of the impact. Douglas rolls to the floor and Sandman follows. Buff Bagwell is out on the opposite side of the ring and distracts the referee who is trying to keep Buff from interfering. Douglas takes advantage of the distraction and nails Sandman with a steel chair to the head. He rolls Sandman back into the ring and covers for the pin.
Douglas & Bagwell celebrate as we cut to a commercial.
We come back and see Sandman in the back complaining to Harley Race about Buff's distraction and the loss to Douglas. Race tells Sandman to calm down and he (Race) will take care of the situation. Sandman isn't happy and storms off.
We see Madusa in the back getting a shoulder rub by her man, Sean "X-Pac" Waltman. Tonight, she's wrestling against Molly Holly. Madusa is cocky and confident and vows to wipe the mat with Holly. Waltman gives her a kiss for luck and now, it's time to go to the the ring.
We come back and are treated to a video package of the whole Sean Waltman - Joanie Laurer - Madusa story as it's been developing over the past few weeks. At the PPV, it's Madusa & Waltman versus Laurer and a mystery partner known only as "Paul" in a mixed-tag team match.
Cue David Penzer...
MADUSA (with Sean Waltman) versus MOLLY HOLLY
Both ladies are ready to go and we see some great chain wrestling and back and forth by both women. Molly scores with a hair-toss and a face buster. Suplex for two. Molly whips Madusa into the corner and goes for the Molly-Go-Round, but Waltman pulls Maudsa out of the corner and Holly crashes and burns into the corner. Madusa catches Molly with a big superkick and covers for the pin.
Winner: MADUSA
We see Jim Cornette in the back talking to Eaton, Lane & Vampiro giving them a big pep-talk. Eaton tells Cornette not to worry -he's got his match covered, no matter who Race wants to throw out there against him. Vampiro mentions about how he wiped the mat with Sting in the past and set him on fire.. and tonight will be no different. Lane just needs to take care of Cage. Lane says that tonight, the "Peeps" will get their hearts broken and need a new hero - because "Captain Charisma" is getting demoted. Sean O'Haire and Charlie Haas walk into the picture, disrupting the mutual admiration society. They wish Cornette and company good luck in their matches. But don't get too confident because after The Horsemen take care of their competition at the PPV - they'll be looking for new challengers for the tag titles. And they'd love to beat up on the :legendary" Midnight Express. Cornette tells them that they have to survive the PPV first.. And the Midnight Express will be there to pick up the pieces and take the tag titles from anyone who has the belts. We have a tense moment before O'Haire hits Cornette on the shouder, smiles and once more, wishes the Cornette wrestlers "good luck!" before walking off.
Cue David Penzer...
'BEAUTIFUL" BOBBY EATON (with Jim Cornette) versus BRUTUS BEEFCAKE (with Jimmy Hart)
Cornette and Eaton don't look very happy at their choice of opponents. Beefcake and Hart are loud and cocky and pumped up. We see Bobby take early control of the match with armdrags and he locks in an armbar. Beefcake escapes with elbows and a neckbreaker. Suplex and a slam and big elbow by Beefcake for two. Eaton reverses a whip and catches Beefcake with a backdrop. Dropkick by Bobby and a big suplex. Bobby to the top for the Alabama Slam, but Hart distracts him and Beefcake gets a big slam on Eaton off the top. Beefcake goes up and looks like he's going to fly, but Cornette nails Beefcake from behind with the tennis racket and Beefcake falls to the mat like a sack of potatoes. Eaton unloads some lefts and a big neckbreaker. Up to the top again, but this time, Cornette grabs Hart before he can interfere and nails him. Eaton connects with the Alabama Jam and gets the pin.
Winner: "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton
We come back and The Horsemen are in the back talking and laughing. O'Haire is laughing about the look on Cornette's face when they wished him "good luck". Missy Hyatt approaches and wants to ask the Horsemen about Arn's title defense tonight as well as the upcoming PPV. Woman steps in and says that the Horsemen are all about taking care of business, both tonight and at the PPV. All Missy and anyone else needs to know is that Arn will remain the NWA North American Champion. Haas & O'Haire will remain the NWA World Tag Team Champions. Copani will end the wrestling career of the Iron Sheik once and for all. And the Horsemen will throw a Christmas party that will be talked about for years to celebrate. Any more questions? Woman and the Horsemen walk off, leaving Missy standing there alone and speechless.
Time to go to the "Seasons Beatings PPV Control Center" with Tony Schiavone. Seasons Beatings will be coming from the Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on December 20.... Tony goes over the matches signed for the PPV so far.
NWA World Championship Match
Sting (c) versus Christian Cage
Cage Match
Mark Copani versus The Iron Sheik
Mixed Tag Team Match
Madusa & Sean Waltman versus Joanie Laurer & "Paul"
Fatal 4-Way for the NWA World Tag Team Championships
Charlie Haas & Sean O'Haire - The Horsemen (c) versus Brian Adams & Bryan Clark - Kronik versus Mike Rotundo & Barry Windham versus Scott Hall & Stevie Richards
Scott Steiner (with Midajah) versus VADER
Masked Superstar versus Vampiro (with Jim Cornette) - If Superstar wins, he gets five minutes with Jim Cornette
North Amercian Championship
Arn Anderson (c) versus Mike Awesome
Pink Slip Battle Royal - The first eight men eliminated will recieve pink slips and will be "fired" from the NWA.
Watch for the PPV, Seasons Beatings on December 20th...
Cue David Penzer...
ARN ANDERSON (c) (with Woman) versus MIKE ROTUNDO
Just before the match begins, Mike Awesome comes to ringside and takes a seat at the announce position with Landrum and Sanders. We see some great wrestling as Arn and Rotundo exchange hammerlocks and takedowns to start. Arn is distracted by the presence of Awesome at ringside and can't stay focused as Rotundo gets several two counts on the champ. Arn finally rolls to the outside to talk to Woman and regroup as we go to commercial.
We come back and Arn seems to have regrouped as he catches Rotundo with a big left. Neckbreaker and a big slam. Arn goes to the second rope and jumps into the big boot of Rotundo. Mike gets a slam and goes for the airplane spin. Arn grabs the top rope and both men tumble to the floor. Arn is stunned. Woman comes up from behind Rotundo and claws at the eyes. Arn puts Rotundo's head into the ringpost. Arn rolls Mike back into the ring and gets two. Arn whips Rotundo in the ropes and catches him with a spinebuster. Arn signals thats it and covers for another two. Arn is getting frustrated. We see Charlie Haas, Sean O'Haire & Mark Copani walking out to ringside as we go to another commercial.
We come back and Arn is firmly in control with a chinlock as the Horsemen cheer him on. Barry Windham (Rotundo's partner) has come to ringside now and Awesome has left the announce position as well and is at ringside with Windham. Arn catches Rotundo with an elbow and tosses him to the floor. Copani and Haas get in some cheap shots before tossing Mike back into the ring. Arn whips Rotundo into the ropes and misses a clothesline as Rotundo ducks. Mike catches Arn in the airplane spin and spins him round. Rotundo dumps Arn and goes for the pin, but Haas grabs his foot from the outside. Rotundo is distracted and kicks at Haas. Arn comes from behind and catches Rotundo with a big DDT for the pin.
Winner and still champion: ARN ANDERSON
The Horsemen storm the ring and start beating on Rotundo. Windham and Awesome come into the ring, but the numbers take their toll and the Horsemen dominate over the other wrestlers. The crowd erupts as Scott Hall, Stevie Richards, Brian Adams & Bryan Clark all storm the ring. The Horsemen flee the ring and head to the back as Kronik, Hall & Richards, Rotundo & Windham & Awesome all stand tall in the ring and challenge the Horsemen to return.
We come back and it's time for the main event as we go to David Penzer one more time..
CHRISTIAN CAGE & STING versus VAMPIRO & STAN LANE (with Jim Cornette & Bobby Eaton)
Lane and Vampiro start off in control with quick tags and lots of double-teaming on the NWA World Champion, Sting. Christian makes the save twice to prevent Sting from being pinned in the early going. Lane uses the martial arts kicks and Vampiro scores with a clothesline. It just seems as if Sting can't get himself going. Finally, Sting fights back and chops away at Vampiro before hot-tagging Cage. Cage uses fists and elbows and a suplex to get two on Vampiro. Lane gets tagged in and takes the advantage with a hot-shot on Captian Charisma. Cage takes a tremendous beating and it's Sting's turn to make the save to prevent his partner from being pinned. Christian manages to tag off to Sting who goes on a rampage and cleans house with both Vampiro and Lane. Sting hits the Stinger Splash on Lane in the corner and signals for the Scorpion Deathlock, but Christian blind-tags himself in and nails Lane with the unprettier for the pin as Sting nails Vampiro and Eaton to keep them from breaking up the pin. Sting and Cage eye each other warily as the referee raises their hands in victory.
Winners: Sting and Christian Cage
Landrum reminds us from ringside that the PPV is next week on the 20th. Don't miss Danger Zone Wrestling on Sunday. They're out of time. See you next week!
The end!
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