Sunday, April 3, 2011

NWA Danger Zone Wrestling (January 15, 2006)

NWA Danger Zone Wrestling
Oakland, CA
The Arena
Disclaimer:  It's not real - it's just fantasy - like the WWE "Creative Teams"....
We open the show with a big welcome from Tony Schiavone & "Dirty" Dutch Mantell.  It's another big event as we are less than two weeks away from the NWA's next big PPV, "NWA Thunder & Lightning" on the 26th of January.  Things have really blown up with the NWA World Champion Christian Cage and Scott Steiner.  We cut to video from NWA W.A.R. a couple of days ago and see the end of the Cage - Eaton match.  Cage pins Eaton with the "Unprettier" and is attacked by Scott Steiner & Andrew "Test" Martin.  Steiner places Cage in the "Steiner Recliner" and they lay out the champ until referees and agents manage to clear the ring. 
Music hits and here comes the NWA World Champion, Christian Cage to the ring.  Cage talks about ambushes and sneak attacks. If Steiner wants to play like that, then it's OK because Cage can do it do.  Cage is the World Champ and the "peepulation" doesn't back down from anyone.  He's calling Steiner out right now..
Sirens blare as Scott Steiner and Test come out on the ramp.  Steiner goes into a very explicit and profanity laced promo on Cage - and says that he's going to be Cage's ass right now.  Steiner & Test head to the ring and attack Cage with the two-on-one attack.  Here comes Disco Inferno from the back with a chair and he chases Steiner and Test from the ring.  Cage & Disco challenge Steiner & Test to get into the ring, but Steiner keeps talking from the arena floor and not-so-respectfully declines Disco & Cage's offer. 
Here comes NWA Co-Commissioner Harley Race.  He says that enough is enough.  Next week, here on Danger Zone Wrestling, it will be Christian Cage & Disco Inferno versus Scott Steiner & Test.  And since it's clear that Steiner and Cage have differences that need to be settled, they can do it at the PPV - in a "Tables, Ladders & Chairs" match for the NWA World Championship.  Cage just nods in agreement as Steiner starts cursing Race, Cage and everything else he can think of.
We cut to a commercial...
We come back and see a video tribute to wrestling veteran Ricky Romero who passed away earlier this week...
Cue David Penzer...
RON SIMMONS versus VAMPIRO (with Jim Cornette)
Simmons starts off strong with fists and forearms and a big slam that sends Vampiro rolling to the floor.  Simmons follows Vampiro to the floor, but gets distracted by the presence of Jim Cornette and Vampiro sends Simmons face first into the steel ringpost.  Chops by Vampiro and he rolls Simmons into the ring, covering for two.  Simmons is dazed as Vampiro hits a spinkick and a suplex for another two.  Reversal on the whip by Ron and he catches Vamp with a clothesline for two.  Slam by Ron and he's coming back with fists and kicks.  Powerslam by Ron and Cornette is on the apron.  Simmons goes over and nails Cornette, knocking him to the floor.  Vampiro takes advantage and catches Ron with a low blow from behind.  One quick roll later and it's history as Vampiro gets the pin.
Winner:  VAMPIRO (with Jim Cornette)
We cut to the back and see Arn Anderson talking to The Great Muta.  They're whispering and we can't hear what is said, but we see Muta nod and they shake hands.  As Muta walks off, Mark Copani walks up to Arn.  He's hyped about tonight and their match against Buff Bagwell & Shane Douglas.  Arn doesn't appear too enthusiastic and tells Copani that this is his opportunity and he'd better come through.  Copani tells Arn that he's going to prove once and for all that he deserves his place in the Horsemen and they can count on him tonight.  Arn just says, "OK" and tells Mark that they need to go get ready.
We come back and Michael P.S. Hayes is standing by with Scott Hall & Stevie Richards.  Scott is in a good mood and says that he and Stevie are ready for some action, but they can't find anyone ready to step into the ring with them.  Maybe it's because they're too good, too cool, too sexy or just too sweeeet!!  Stevie asks where the competition is around here.  In steps Blackjack Mulligan and Greg Valentine.  If Hall & Stevie want competition, how about wrestling a couple of "old timers" tonight.  Hall says that would be "sweet" and tells BJM not to forget to take his geritol before the match.  We see some cold looks from Greg & BJM towards Hall & Richards as we go back to the ring.
Schiavone & Mantell speculate as to what Anderson was talking to Muta about and then send it over to ring announcer David Penzer for the next match.
Before the match, Sanders gets the mic.  He's going to prove that he's the best wrestler/commentator in the business today.  He's the future of the biz and anyone who gets in his way, like Tajiri tonight is S.O.L... and we know what that means.  Tajiri just smiles and levels Sanders with a stiff kick as the bell rings.  More kicks and Tajiri is on a roll.  A hard whip to the corner and Tajiri hits the big elbow for two.  Another kick and Tajiri locks in the tarantula.  The referee makes him break and back off.  Tajiri moves in as Sanders in down in the corner.  Sanders pulls the front of Tajiri's tights and pulls him face-first into the corner.  Sanders rolls up Tajiri and uses his feet on the ropes as well as a handful of tights for leverage as the ref counts three.
We go the back and see NWA Co-Commissioner Harley Race talking to NWA Co-Commissioner Juventud Guerrera.  Juvi says that everything is ready for the Cruiserweight Championship at the PPV.  It will be a "Running the Gauntlet" match with 8 men who will be announced next week, drawn at random and the last man standing will be the new Cruiserweight Champion.  Harley asks if Juvi still wants to team up next week in a match.  Juvi turns on the charm and says he's looking forward to teaming with the greatest NWA Champion of all time.  He asks Race if he's decided who their opponents will be?  Race whispers a name into Juvi's ear.  Juvi smiles and says he likes it.  Harley says that he has to go make some phone calls and walks off.  Here is Missy Hyatt.  She's getting ready to head to the ring, but wanted to thank Juvi for giving her the match tonight against Luna.  Juvi says "no problem" and tells Missy good luck in her match.  Missy smiles and says that she's not the one who's going to need it.
Cue David Penzer...
Luna attacks Missy as she enters the ring and is like a crazed animal, pulling at the hair and throwing wild punches and kicks.  She whips Missy into the corner and charges in.  Missy catches her with a boot and then digs into her tights, pulling out a piece of chain.  Missy wraps the chain around her fist and just clocks Luna in the head.  The ref calls for the bell and the DQ. 
Winner by DQ:  LUNA VACHON
The referee tries to intercede, but Missy is like a woman possessed and just pounds away at Luna with the chain.  Other referees come to the ring and restrain Missy as they get Luna to the floor and take her to the back.  Luna is gushing blood as the referees tend to her.  Missy finally calms down and smiles as she watches the referees help Luna...
We go to the back again and see The Iron Sheik working out and getting ready for his match.  Here is Woman.  She gets in Sheik's face.  She doesn't know how he managed to come back after the beating that the Horsemen gave him last week.  Sheik is old and too stupid to quit. Well, the Horsemen paid some good money tonight and Muta is going to finish off what Arn started - ending the career of the Iron Sheik.  Sheik looks at Woman as she finishes her rant and asks if she's always like this or is it just that time of the month.  Woman slaps Sheik and storms off as Sheik watches. 
Cue David Penzer..
It's obvious that the Iron Shiek isn't 100% as Muta takes the early advantage with kicks and chops.  Nervehold on the neck by Muta.  Sheik fights back with some kicks and a suplex.  Another suplex for two.  Kicks by the Sheik, but Muta kicks back and knocks Sheik senseless with a big roundhouse kick to the head.  Another beatdown by Muta and he covers for two.  Sheik kicks out and uses a low blow to rattle Muta's senses.  Another series of suplexes and Sheik covers for two.  Woman is out and taunts Sheik from the outside.  He is momentarily distracted, as is the referee and Sheik turns around to get a face full of the red mist by Muta.  Sheik is blinded and Muta scores with a big kick to the back of the head to get the pin.
We go to the back and see Lodi.  It looks as if he's headed towards the ring.
Lodi is in the ring.  He asked for this time to clear the air about a few things.  He admits that his career has not exactly been stellar since his best friend and tag team partner, Lenny Lane, got fired as a result of the "Pink Slip Battle Royal" back at the Seasons Beatings PPV.  He tried a couple of other partners, but it just wasn't the same.  But now, he's found the perfect partner.  Next week on Danger Zone Wrestling, will be the debut of Lodi's new partners.  Yes, thats plural  It's "The Rainbow Coalition" and it's coming to the NWA - next week.
We go to the back and see Sean O'Haire and Charlie Haas standing by with Michael P.S. Hayes.  In the "Best of 7" series with Kronik, the Horsemen now lead 3 - 1.  It's just one more match to go and the Horsemen will once again be the NWA World Tag Team Champions.  Hayes asks about Mark Copani.  Is everything cool with the Horsemen because Hayes senses a little discord in the ranks.  Haas says that everything is cool.  O'Haire is a little more vocal and says that Copani messed up, but he's got his chance later tonight with Arn to prove what he can do.  And he'd better not screw that up... or else. 
Cue David Penzer...
Richards starts off with Valentine and gets pummelled almost immediately with forearms and elbows.  A kick by Stevie and he tags in Hall.  Hall with clotheslines and a fallaway slam on Valentine.  Cover for two.  Greg uses chops to fight back and tags in Mulligan.  Mulligan & Hall exchange fists and BJM uses a suplex to get two.  Hall fghts back with lefts and tags in Richards.  Stevie with a bulldog, but BJM kicks out and nails Richards, sending him to the floor.  BJM follows and Stevie eats ring-apron as Mulligan drops him, face first on the apron.  BJM covers for two and tags in Greg.  Valentine goes after the leg and kicks and stomps at the leg of Richards.  Elbow drop and it's time for the figure four.  Hall breaks it up and tags himself in.  Stomps to Valentine and chops.  The ref is bumped in all the action and goes down.  Valentine rolls Hall up into a cradle, but there is no referee.  Richards comes in and nails Greg to break it up.  BJM nails Stevie and sends him to the floor.  BJM nails Hall and then follows to the floor after Richards.  Valentine covers Hall, but the ref is still out of position.  Greg goes to check on the referee and Hall uses a small-package to roll him up.  The ref is there and counts the three.
We go to the back and see Arn Anderson & Mark Copani headed to the ring.  Their match is next...
A video promo airs - coming on January 26th - its "NWA Thunder & Lightning", exclusively on PPV..
Cue David Penzer..
Buff and Arn start off by trading armlocks and takedowns. Arn slaps Buff and it starts to get nasty.  Arn goes after the neck of Buff and clubs away before planting a knee into the back of Buff.  Copani tags in and slams Buff.  Fists and kicks.  Buff chops away and fights back, tagging in Douglas.  Douglas & Copani trade fists and Copani scores with a judo thrust.  Copani is gloating now and brags to Arn as he pounds away at Douglas.  Shane catches the braggart with a jawbuster and a DDT.  We see Arn look at Woman as Douglas tags in Buff who scores on Copani with a neckbreaker.  Buff shuffles and locks in a rear chinlock on Copani.  Arn and Woman are talking in the corner and we see Arn drop to the floor and he and Woman walk off, leaving the ring and headed towards the back.  Copani uses elbows to escape the chinlock and  punches away at Buff.  A clothesline by Copani and he goes to his corner to make a tag.  But it's empty.  Arn and Woman have left.  Copani looks confused and turns around to get nailed by Shane Douglas and a DDT.  Buff climbs up and hits the "Buffbuster" on Copani before covering to get the pin.
We see a closeup shot of Copani as he realizes that he was abandoned and just lost.  His face is filled with pain and anger as we fade to black....
The end..

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