NWA Excess Pay-Per-View
February 22, 2006
Baltimore Arena
Baltimore, Maryland
Disclaimer: It's not real unfortunately! It's just fantasy.. (But it's real to me, damn it!) 
We open up the show with Tony Schiavone, Dutch Mantell & Rich Landrum at ringside. Tonight is the night of the big NWA Excess PPV - and things are red hot here in the National Wrestling Association. All the big stars are here and we have four big title matches including a 4-Way Dance for the NWA World Championship. Plus The Horsemen versus Mark Copani and friends in "War Games"... Plus Hulk Hogan versus Kevin Von Erich with NWA Co-Commissioner Harley Race as the special referee. A lot of action and a lot of excitement. Big reminder here - there will be no "Danger Zone Wrestling" or "W.A.R" this upcoming weekend. The NWA is being pre-empted by The Daisy Hill Puppy Farm Dog Show or something like that. But both shows will return next weekend. TIme to start off by going to the ring.
We see video showing the Kanyon / Buff tag team break-up from NWA W.A.R.
Cue David Penzer..
Buff struts his stuff and mugs for the cameras and the fans. Kanyon nails him with a clothesline and a suplex from behind to take the early advantage. Buff fights back with the jawbreaker and a neckbreaker. Stomps and kicks by Buff and belly-to-belly for two. Buff tosses Kanyon to the floor and goes into pose mode - strutting around and flexing again. Kanyon is quickly up and slides in, catching the unsuspecting Bagwell with a spinkick. Kanyon mounts the top rope, holding on to Bagwell and slams Buff down with an innovative legdrop/bulldog. Kanyon covers and gets the pin.
Winner: KANYON
We go to the interview area and Michael P.S. Hayes is standing by with the tag team of Blackjack Mulligan & Greg Valentine. Tonight, there's a 4-day dance for the # 1 contendership for the NWA World Tag Team titles. Valentine & BJM are the "old timers" in this match, but that just means they're the smartest - been there and done that! Kronik might be big and bad! The Midnight Express has a sneaky weasly manager. Waltman & Wright are the high-flyers. But no one is going to out-tough Mulligan and Valentine. And in the end, the experience will be what wins out. And BJM & Valentine are destined to be the next NWA World Tag Team Champions.
We cut backstage and Harley Race is on the phone. Here is the other co-Commissioner Juventud Guerrera. He tells Harley that Hulk Hogan is complaining to everyone who will listen about Race being the special referee in the match against Von Erich. Juvi tells Race to please be fair and call it down the middle. Race tells Juvi that he'll be fair and call it straight. Don't worry about that!
We see video highlighting the problems between Madusa and Christy Hemme with Hemme turning on Madusa and alligning herself with Sean Waltman.
Back to David Penzer for the next match...
Hemme starts off by getting in Madusa's face and getting mouthy. Slap by Hemme and Madusa smiles. She grabs a hold of Hemme and applies a big suplex. Big slam by Madusa and she covers for two before pulling Hemme up. Madusa whips Hemme into the ropes, but Hemme ducks a clothesline and scores with a clothesline of her own. Hemme with chops and kicks and she chokes Madusa. Madusa pulls herself up and grabs Hemme, nailing her with chops and tosses her to the floor by the hair. Hemme says that she's had enough and starts to head up the ramp. Madusa follows and grabs Hemme by the hair, leading her back to the ring. Hemme tries to fight, but Madusa is too powerful and tosses her into the ring. Hemme gets up and gets nailed by a superkick by Madusa. Madusa covers and gets the pin.
Winner: MADUSA
As Madusa celebrates, we go to the interview area where Disco Inferno and Jake "The Snake" Roberts are standing by with Terri Runnels. Disco is all smiles as he talks about how tonight is the night that he becomes the NWA World Champion. And it's all because he's smarter than everyone else. He has his hired assassin, Jake Roberts in the match. And Jake will run interference and keep Christian & Sting on the defensive, so Disco can become the World Champion. Jake gets the mic and talks about how he doesn't care about anyone or anything. It's about making a payday and hurting someone. But it's occured to him, there's more money to be made as Champion than as a contender. Disco's mouth falls open as he hears Jake say that. Robert's talks about he's only out for himself and doing what he wants - including being the next World Champion. Disco is upset and what about their deal? Roberts cuts an evil smile and says "Never trust a Snake"... Disco is trying to talk to Roberts as we go back to the ring and David Penzer...
Sanders gets on the mic before the match and talks about Hardy and how he's a disgrace to the Cruiserweight title. Sanders talks about being a former CW Champion and a forner WCW Commissioner - and brings class to every role he's put in. Hardy is a deadbeat and a loser and tonight, he's S.O.L.... and we all know what that means.
The match begins and we see a great contrast in style as Hardy keeps trying to fly and keep things moving as Sanders tries to keep things on the mat with some classic styled wrestling. It goes back and forth and both men start get cheers from the crowd as they really pull out all the stops and each man scores several two counts. Finally, Hardy reverses a slam into a cradle and hangs on to get the pin.
Winner and still Champion: JEFF HARDY
Both men get a standing ovation from the crowd as Hardy gets his hand raised and Sanders just glares from outside the ring...
We go back to the interview area where Terri Runnels is standing by with both the NWA North American Champion Scott Hall and his opponent for tonight - "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash. Hall is glad to see his big buddy back in action after a leg injury and he knows that Kevin is going to give his all tonight in their match. Kevin is glad to be back in the NWA and recovered from his knee surgery. He's 100% now and ready to step back into the spotlight. He's not crazy about wrestling his best friend tonight, but it happens. It's the nature of the business. And win, lose or draw tonight, there will be no hard feelings. Tonight is about the North American Championship and putting on a great match. Later tonight, they party and celebrate Nash's return to the ring. And then, they move on and focus to the men responsible for injuring Kevin and putting him out of action. Hall asks Kevin is he's ready to do it? Kevin says, "Oh yeah!" The two men hug as we go back to ringside and David Penzer...
Moretti and Jazz go chest to chest and talk trash as the referee rings the bell. Jazz starts off strong with chops and forearms and a big slam. She kicks and stomps away at Moretti before covering for two. Moretti kicks out and fights back with punches and a flip to the corner. Armdrag by Moretti and she locks in an armbar. Jazz reverses and levels Moretti with a chop. Bearhug by Jazz. Ivory claws at the eyes to escape and takes Jazz down with a quick suplex. Moreti covers for two as Jazz kicks out. Moretti sets up Jazz as she climbs to the top for a bulldog, but Jazz grabs Ivory and plants her with a side-slam instead. Another cover for two as Ivory gets a foot on the ropes. Jazz goes for a clothesline as Moretti ducks and tucks down into a roll-up for the pin.
Winner and still champion: LISA "IVORY" MORETTI
We go backstage where Michael P.S. Hayes is standing by with The Four Horsemen - Arn Anderson, Sean O'Haire, Charlie Haas, Miss Jackie, Woman & "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Hayes welcomes back Flair back to the NWA. Anderson speaks first. Tonight, it's "War Games" - the match created for the Horsemen. Mark Copani was kicked out of the Horsemen because he couldn't follow orders and get the jobs done! Copani has got an impressive group of friends - a washed-up Cowboy, a football player and a nut-case! But all of the friends in the world won't be enough because they're up against the Horsemen. And with the return of "The Nature Boy" - the Horsemen are complete and stronger than ever. Hayes asks Flair, "What about it Champ?" Ric starts to style and profile - he's been the World Champion 16 times - but nothing has ever meant more to him than coming back to the NWA and getting back in the ring with his best friend, "The Enforcer" - Wooooo! And he sees Haas & O'Haire - the NWA World Tag Team Champions. The 4 Horsemen! Copani had it all - he was one of the elite - but he couldn't hold up his end and didn't want to listen. Now he's just a loser among losers. Tonight, the Horsemen are reunited and going to party all night long! Woooooo! They're the Horsemen. It's the Enforcer. It's the Nature Boy! It's the World Tag Team Champions! It's the gorgeous Miss Jackie Gayda! It's the always vivacious Woman! Diamonds are forever and so are the Horsemen. Woooooooooo!
We go back to ringside and David Penzer...
Both men start slowly as the ref rings the bell. Nash moves first with forearms and a big boot. Hall comes back with chops and a suplex for two. Back and forth it goes - and tempers begin to flare as Hall feels blood as he's busted open following a stiff kick by Kevin. Scott returns the favor by sending Kevin barreling into the ringpost outside and busting him open as well. The fists are flying and neither man is able to sustain an advantage for long. Finally, Kevin goes for the jackknife powerbomb, but Hall reverses into a DDT. A cover and the ref counts three. Hall gets the pin.
Winner and still Champion: SCOTT HALL
As Hall's arm is raised by the referee, Nash pulls himself up and slowly approaches Hall. They eye each other for a moment and then embrace in a hug. Nash raises Hall's arm in victory again as we cut away to the interview area...
We go back to the interview area where Terri Runnels is standing by with Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express. Cornette is on a roll and trashes Mulligan & Valentine for being old - Kronik for being thugs - Waltman & Wright for being punks - and Terri for dressing like a skank! Tonight is the night that The Midnight Express prove to everyone that they are the best tag team in wrestling, not just in the NWA, but ever. Cornette promises that Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane will win this match and go on to win the NWA World Tag Team titles. Cornette tells Runnels to "put some clothes on" and storms off with the Express in tow.
We cut now to Michael P.S. Hayes who is standing by with Kevin Von Erich. Kevin is happy to be back in the business and nervous. Tonight, he's facing Hulk Hogan - and Hogan is a legend. But he's doing this for his family - for his legacy - and for all the people who supported the Von Erich's over the years. Kevin knows that he hasn't been in a wrestling ring in years, but he knows that he can beat Hogan. Hayes mentions that he's been in the ring with Kevin hundreds of times and if anyone can come back from being out of the business for several years to beating someone like Hogan, Kevin is the one to do it! Kevin thanks Hayes for the compliment and says that tonight, win or lose, Hogan will know he's been in a fight. And he'll feel the Von Erich claw!
Back to David Penzer at ringside for the next match...
Chaos ensues from the very beginning as the referee has a hard time keeping any semblence of order and everyone seems to want to get inside the ring at once. In the end, Kronik give "High Times" to Sean Waltman in the center of the ring. As Bryan Clark circles around the ring, keeping the others away, Adams covers for the pin.
Winners and new # 1 Contenders: KRONIK
We go back now to Terri Runnels who is standing by with Mark Copani, Cactus Jack, Barry Windham, Brock Lesnar & Rena Mero. Copani talks that The Horsemen didn't kick him out - he quit. And now he's really with the true elite of the business. The legendary "King of Hardcore" Cactus Jack, "The Lone Wolf" Barry Windham & "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar. Brock talks about taking the "legends" and beating then at their own game. He thrives on challenges and it'll be a fight, but he's on the team that will win. Windham reminds everyone that he was once a Horseman and he knows all about "War Games" and what it's all about. He's coached his partners and they are ready to give Arn, Ric, and the other guys a beating of a lifetime! Cactus Jack finishes the promo by talking about blood and pain. His team doens't mind getting hurt. They don't mind bleeding! And they will do whatever it takes. "War Games?" No one plays games better than Cactus Jack. The Horsemen can think about that! Cactus tells the Horsemen to "Have a nice day!"
We see a video package presenting the history between Hulk Hogan & Harley Race during Hogan's first run in the NWA. And it moves on the words being exchanged between Hogan & Kevin Von Erich, leading to this match...
"Real Amercian" hits as Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring.. Hogan gets the mic and cuts a scathing promo, tearing apart both Kevin Von Erich and special referee Harley Race. Hogan says that Race had better call it fair and square because his (Hogan's) lawyers are watching and if Race cheats for Von Erich, Hogan will sue Race, the NWA, and everyone else involved. Hogan calls for Race & Von Erich to get their asses to the ring and let's get this over with...
We go to David Penzer for the introductions..
Hogan tries to power over Von Erich as the bell rings, but is quickly hit in the kisser by a patented Von Erich dropkick. Punches and kicks by Von Erich, but Hogan fights back with the fists and by clawing at the back of Von Erich. Harley Race is quick to warn Hogan about the illegal tactics, but Hulk ignores him and continues to pound and stomp away at Kevin. Hogan misses a clothesline and falls prey another dropkick by Von Erich. Kevin unloads several chops and catches Hogan coming off the ropes with the famous Von Erich claw. Hogan tries to escape and finally resorts to grabbing Harley Race by the shirt and pulling him into Von Erich to break the move. Hogan catches Von Erich with a low blow and covers him, but Race won't count. Race pulls Hogan up and tears into him verbally about grabbing him earlier and using the low blow. Hogan shoves Race and Race responds with a big left that sends Hogan flying backwards. Von Erich rolls Hogan up and Harley drops down to the mat, slapping it quickly three times. Harley calls for the bell and declares Von Erich the winner.
Hogan is up and in the face of Harley Race - Harley cheated and "fast counted" him - and Hogan is PO'ed. Hogan and Harley get into a shoving match and Kevin Von Erich comes in and steps in between Hogan & Race. Hogan backs off and rolls out of the ring as Harley once again raises Von Erich's hand in victory. Hogan says it's not over as he heads towards the back.
As the match ends, we go back to the interview area where Terri Runnels is standing by with the NWA World Champion Christian Cage & one of his challengers in tonight's match, Sting. Cage talks again about the honor of being the World Champion - and no one is taking that title from him - not Disco Inferno, not Jake "The Snake" Roberts and not even the man they call Sting. He's Captain Charisma and he's doing it for the "Peeps" everywhere - he's keeping the title tonight because that's how he rolls! Sting is psyched up and he's ready to be champion again. He doesn't care who he pins - Disco, that psycho, Roberts or even the Champ. It's time for the little Stingers to get ready to rock & roll because it's showtime folks!
We go backstage now where Co-Commissioners Juvi and Harley are talking. Juvi is wanting to know what was up with the fast count? It's all going to hit the fan now! Harley snaps and tells Juvi to just shut up! Hogan can do whatever he wants to - Harley doesn't care. He'll deal with it! Juvi says OK, but he knows that it's going to cause some trouble...
Cue David Penzer for the next match...
All men are determined to show what they've got in this classic four-way match. Disco immediately goes after Sting and clips the leg, sending Sting to the floor. Roberts and Cage square off and trade blows. Disco attacks Cage from behind and we see Roberts & Disco pull the doubleteam on Cage until Sting comes back in and begins pounding away at both Disco & Roberts, thus making the save for Cage. The action continues. Finally, we see Robert's catch Sting with a vicious DDT. Rather than cover, "Snake" offers Disco the pin. Disco goes to cover and Roberts nails him with a breathtaking kneelift. DDT by Roberts on Disco and he goes for the pin. But Cage is in with a running knee to the back that sends Roberts flying to the floor. Cage covers Disco and the ref counts three.
Winner and still champion: CHRISTIAN CAGE
We go to Michael P.S. Hayes standing by with an irate Hulk Hogan. Hogan complains repeatedly about the "fast count" by Harley Race. Hogan has already been on his phone with his lawyers and several members of the NWA Board of Directors. Harley Race thinks he can do what he wants - well, he can't. When the NWA returns to TV next week, he has to pay for trying to screw over Hulk Hogan. Hogan has already been assured that the crap will be hitting the fan and Harley will learn that Hulkamania is the strongest force in the Universe. Kevin Von Erich steps into the picture. What's wrong with this? The "great & legendary Hulk Hogan" crying over a referee's decision. Harley's count might have been a little fast - so what? It's not like Hogan hasn't benefited time and time again over the years from biased referees and officials! Hell, Hogan wrote the book on it! Hogan gets in Von Erich's face - "What you tryin' to say, bruthuh?" Kevin tells Hogan that he beat him earlier tonight and he'll beat him again anytime Hogan is ready to "grow a set and step up!" So how about when the NWA returns to TV next week, how about Von Erich versus Hogan - Part II? Hogan starts to go on a rant about how he has nothing to prove and ...... Von Erich just tells him "shut up and think about it - if you're not a coward!" Kevin walks off as Hogan glares!
Back to ringside where the cage has been set up for the main event. Cue David Penzer. Penzer explains the rules - two men will wrestle for five minutes and there will be a coin toss - the winning team in the coin toss will send a man down for two minutes. And it will alternate until all four men are in the ring. Then "War Games" will officially begin until someone is pinned or submits. Penzer makes the introductions.
Arn & Windham are the first two men in the ring. They put on a classic brawl for five minutes and we see the coin toss - Copani's team wins. Cactus Jack joins the match and he proceeds to help Windham brutalize Anderson. Charlie Haas is the next man out to even the odds. Copani is next to get involved, followed by Sean O'Haire and Brock Lesnar. Finally, Ric Flair is in the match and the arena erupts in loud "Wooooos".. Lots of action and brutality as both teams pull out all the stops and sem determined to wipe the other team from existance. We see Cactus Jack use to clothesline to send Haas over the top rope and trap him in between the cage and the ropes. Big splash by Foley. Brock & O'Haire are just pounding away at each other. We even see Woman and Rena at ringside get involved in a pull-apart catfight. Finally, Arn catches Copani with the spinebuster. Ric comes in and locks in the figure-four on Copani. Copani taps and the match is history.
Ric continues to apply the figure-four on Copani as Anderson stomps away. Windham, Foley & Brock finally make it over to break up the hold as Ric & Arn head outside the cage to congratulatory hugs from Woman & Miss Jackie. The ref raises their hands as the other wrestlers continue to check on Copani in the center of the ring.
We fade to black and the end..
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