Sunday, April 10, 2011

NWA Danger Zone Wrestling (December 29, 2006)

NWA Danger Zone Wrestling
January 29, 2006
Tacoma, Washington
Tacoma Dome
Disclaimer:  It's not real - it's just fantasy - like the idea of a WWE "creative team"...
We open the show with Rich Landrum and Dutch Mantell at ringside.  Tony Schiavone is under the weather this week, but will return next week when DZW comes from the world famous Sportatorium in Dallas, TX.  A big main event tonight as NWA World Champion Christian Cage takes on Disco Inferno in a non-title street fight.  More on that later.  But first, time to go to the ring and announcer David Penzer...
Kronik moves quickly at the bell and Simmons is knocked to the floor as a result of a big clothesline by Bryan Clark.  Reed is nailed by Adams and quickly sent crashing hard to the mat by Clark and Adams with some "high times".  Adams covers and gets the pin. 
Winners:  Brian Adams & Bryan Clark - KRONIK
Ron Simmons is back in the ring. He's complaining to the ref and gets in Clark's face.  Adams nails Ron from behind and he too quickly falls victim to some "high times"...  Adams gets on the mic.  The Horsemen think that it's over.  It's not!  Kronik is through being nice!  It's all about breaking necks, cashing checks and getting back the NWA World Tag Team titles.  Clark adds, "and as the Horsemen and everyone else will be finding out - it's also all about Kronik"... Clark & Adams high-five as we cut to the back.
Missy Hyatt is standing by with Disco Inferno.  Later tonight, he's facing Christian Cage in a street fight.  Disco says that he's tired of Cage following him around and trying to cash in on his (Disco's) reputation.  Disco is a ladies man and a man's man and deserves to be the World Champion.  Tonight, it's non-title, but that's OK.  Disco plans to kick Christian's ass and then he'll get it chance and the whole world will know that it's their duty to shake their booty and dance with the new World Champion, Disco Inferno...
We come back and NWA Co-Commissioner Harley Race is in his office on the telephone.  A knock at the door and Race tells them to enter.  It's Madusa.  She wants a shot at the NWA Women's Championship.  Race asks if she's done playing "Jerry Springer" and ready to get back to wrestling.  Madusa says she's ready to put that crap with Waltman behind her and concentrate on what really matters - the NWA Women's Championship.  Harley says OK and tells her she has her match later tonight.    As Madusa leaves, Mark Copani walks in.  He asks if he can speak to Harley.  Mark has a great idea for a match at the "NWA Excess" PPV coming up on February 22.  Harley asks what his idea is.  Mark starts to tell him as we cut back to Landrum & Mantell at ringside.
They plug the upcoming PPV for February and mention that in two weeks, the NWA will be down in Mexico.    And now, back to David Penzer for the next match.
Before the match, Douglas & Buff cut a promo.  They're ready to get back into the title picture and don't care who has gold - everyone is a target for Buff the Stuff and the Franchise.  Buff cuts some poses and struts as the ref calls for the bell.
A pretty good match as Wright & Karagias prove that they can really move in that ring and use their speed advantage to keep Douglas off balance.  A big double-dropkick by Alex & Evan and Shane rolls to the floor to regroup.  Buff tags in and works over Karagias with knees and fists and a big neckbreaker.  Suplex by Buff and he tags in Douglas who continues with the beating. The end finally comes as Douglas plants Karagias with a death valley driver and covers for the pin.  Buff cuts off Wright to prevent him from making the save and Douglas gets the pin.
Winners:  Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell.
We come back and see Miss Jackie, Sean O'Haire & Charlie Haas talking to Arn Anderson and Woman.  Arn is preparing to go to the ring and make a challenge.  Arn and Woman leave and we hear a voice from off-camera saying, "Charles?".. It's Rico.  Miss Jackie squeals and hugs Rico. O'Haire tells Haas he'll see him later and walk off.  It's a surreal moment as Rico & Charlie Haas stand face to face.  Rico congratulates Haas on his success and being a Horseman.  Haas doesn't really know what to say and just kind of mumbles "thanks". Rico has to go get ready for a match now, but wants Haas & Jackie to call him later.  Jackie is still excited and says OK.  Haas kind of mumbles, "OK" and Rico smiles big and says that he'll be waiting.  Rico hugs Jackie again and smacks Charlie on the ass as he walks off.  Haas is just kind of in shock and speechless as Rico walks off.
Back to the ring and here comes Arn Anderson and Woman.  Arn has a message for Scott Hall.  Arn has a rematch clause in his contract and he wants the rematch for the North American Championship right now!  As for Mark Copani, Arn promises that next week in Dallas on W.A.R., Copani will get the beating of a lifetime - not because Arn wants to, but because he has to!  But right now, Scott Hall needs to come out and face Arn like a man - because Arn is taking that belt home tonight, and no one will stop him!
Arn is in the ring and Scott Hall's music hits - a remake of "Smooth Operator" echoes throughout the arena as Scott Hall comes down, wearing the NWA North American Championship title belt.  David Penzer does the introductions and the match is on.
SCOTT HALL (c) versus ARN ANDERSON (with Woman)
It's a classic match-up of power as Arn & Hall both trade the advantage on several occasions as Hal works on the neck of Arn, while Arn seems focused on the left arm of "the bad guy".  Arn has Hall in the corner and plants several knees into the gut of Scott.  Some clubbing forearms, but Hall reverses and tears into Anderson with several chops.  Hall hits a clothesline and the fall-away slam.  Hall signals that it's time for the Razor's Edge, but as he picks Anderson up, Woman grabs his foot from the outside as a distraction.  Arn takes advantage and scores with a big DDT.  Arn takes Hall and next lands the spinebuster, but before he can cover, music hits and Mark Copani walks out on the rampway.  Arn is distracted and is pointing at Copani and saying something to the referee. Hall rolls Arn up from behind and gets the pin.
Winner and still champion - SCOTT HALL...
Hall rolls from the ring and raises his arms in victory as Arn complains to the referee about the distraction and points at Copani who is still on the ramp.  Copani smiles at Arn and waves before walking off to the back.
We see a video promo for the return next week of Hulk Hogan...
In the back, Michael P.S. Hayes is with the NWA Women's Champion, Lisa Moretti.  What are her thoughts about facing Madusa tonight?  Moretti doesn't care who it is - Madusa, Jazz, Molly, Sherri, or whoever.  She's the champ and will stay the champ.  Madusa was good at one time, but now she's all wrapped up in her little soap opera and isn't in Moretti's league.  Ivory says that she's keeping her gold tonight!
Back to David Penzer for the next match...
RICO (with Mr. Lane) versus HECTOR GARZA
Garza uses the spped to take the early advantage on Rico before nailing him with a leg lariat that sends Rico to the floor.  Garza flies with a suicide dive that nails Rico, driving him back into the ring barrier.  Both men are slow to get up and Garza attempts to put Rico into the steel steps, but Rico reverses and Garza eats steel.  Rico rolls into the ring to break the count and rolls back out to put Garza again into the ring barrier.  Chops by Rico and he rolls Hector into the ring for two.  Rico covers again for another two.  Rico is getting frustrated and misses a clothesline.  Garza scores with his clothesline and Rico goes down.  Garza covers for two.  Hector with chops and a suplex.  Garza goes up to the top, but is distracted by the taunts of Mr. Lenny Lane at ringside and takes too long to move.  Big flying bodypress by Garza, but Rico has moved and Hector crash and burns.  Rico with a martial arts kick and a big neckbreaker.  Cover and pin.
Winner:  RICO
We come back and Missy Hyatt is with the NWA World Champion Christian Cage.  He cuts a pretty intense promo about trust and friends and how he thought Disco Inferno was different - that he could be counted on - but Disco proved that he's just like the music he loves and his dancing...he sucks!  Cage is going to kick Disco's ass tonight - and then Christian and his peeps are going to party all the way downtown to Chinatown... because that's how he rolls!
We see Lisa "Ivory" Moretti warming up.  Her match is up next!
We come back and go to David Penzer..
Madusa uses her size advantage to take the early lead, working over Moretti with kicks and a bone-jarring slam.  Another kick and Madusa gets two.  Ivory reverses a whip into the corner and scores with a neckbreaker on Madusa for two.  Fists by Lisa and a monkey flip that sends Madusa flying across the ring.  Madusa pulls herself up in the corner. Moretti charges in and catches a big boot to the face.  Slam by Madusa and she's going up to the second rope.  Madusa comes off with a tornado DDT on Moretti.  As she goes for the cover, music fills the arena and Christy Hemme comes out to the ringside area.  Madusa is distracted and moves from covering Moretti to where she can watch and say something to Hemme.  Hemme gets on the ring apron, but ducks down out of the way as Madusa takes a swing at her.  Moretti takes advantage of the distraction and uses a fisherman's suplex to take Madusa over and get the pin. 
Winner and still champion:  LISA "IVORY" MORETTI 
Hemme smiles and waves at Madusa from the rampway as she heads to the back.  The referee raises Moretti's arm in victory as Madusa looks on, disgusted....
We go to the back where Michael P.S. Hayes is standing by with NWA Co-Commissioner Harley Race.  Next week, Hulk Hogan will be returning to the NWA.  His lawyers found a small hole in the contracts and despite Race kicking his ass and running Hogan out of the NWA a few months ago,  Hogan will be returning.  But Race has a messag for Hogan.  Harley is still the boss - and Hogan had better be on his P's & Q's.  Don't expect any special favors because he won't be getting any.  He's just another one of "the boys" and if he crosses Race again, he's had a very bad day!
Cue David Penzer..
Cage & Disco immediately start trading fists and kicks.  A chair enters the melee as Disco tries to nail Cage across the back, but gets a kick to the head instead.  It's just total chaos and neither man is able to sustain an advantage for long.  In the end, Disco puts Cage into the steel ringpost and busts him open.  More fists and Disco starts moving the moniters off the announce table as Landrum and Mantell quickly move out of the way.  Disco pulls Cage up on the table and signals for a piledriver.  Cage reverses with a backdrop and Disco falls off the table to the floor.  Cage drops down and gets a chair, nailing Disco across the skull.  As Disco hits the floor, Cage signals to the peeps and picks up Disco, pulling him back up on top of the announce table.  An Unprettier by Cage sends both him and Disco through the announce table and to the floor.  Both men are down.  Cage drapes an arm across the body of Disco and the referee counts three.
As Cage wearily pulls himself up from the wreckage that was the announce table, the medics are out to check on Disco. The referee raises Cage's arm and hands him his NWA title belt.  Cage raises the belt and slaps his chest to acknowledge the peeps as we fade to black.

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